can you jump into the cli of your destination filer and type qtree show. Does the destination qtree exist ? double check that the qtree does not exist Then check on your volume uschivsan01:/vol/dt_backup_sv for the snapvault snapshot, if it still exists delete the snapshot and then the relationship should disappear ?
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Hi Alex, We do this currently with snapmirror and vmware srm between a primary site and dr site, but in your case it's much simpler. We have snapmirror replicating the nfs volume where the vm sits, and also the volumes/lun where the iscsi databases and logs sit. When we bring it up on the other side (there is a change of ip addresses) but I basically vol clone the snapmirror destination and repoint the host to the new san and it all comes up for testing. In your case. Just snapmirror the volumes, once the snapmirror is at idle, take the cluster offline. Quiesce and then break the snapmirror relationship. Unmap the old luns and remap the new luns on the new controller. Make sure you have an iscsi session to the new controller. Check Disk Management to make sure you see the disks appearing (the disks will probably appear as reserved until the cluster starts) start the cluster up again and it will pick up where it left off.
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Hi, Have you tried running sm status from the source to see if the relationship still exists there or has it been removed ? Jumping into the cli on the destination, can you double check that the destination volume does not exist when you type vol status ? Also looking at your sm config above it is definately a volume that you are snapmirroring to and not a qtree right ?
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thanks for verifying that Scott, I have been using a script I made up to rsh to the primary host vfiler0 and perform vfiler run vfiler-name snapvault update ..... but the issue with this is that the vfiler belongs to a customer and our host vfiler0 belongs to us, so we don't want to give the customer access to vfiler0 at all. I've been running the script from our side with my credentials. So will 8.0.2P3 have an interactive SSH shell for vfilers ? I'm wondering if I may be able to use non-interactive SSH instead of RSH ?
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Ok well snapvault is definately there with rsh but looks like you can only run a few commands with it. I need to run snapvault update, but it is not recognized in 8.0.1P5 Scott are you able to see if snapvault update is availabe on one of your 8.0.2 systems via rsh please ?
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Just a quick update. I finally got around to upgrading the controllers to 8.0.1 last night and all the commands are now available via rsh. Thanks Scott
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Hi Scott, I think you are right, i've just ran up the Ontap 8.0 7-mode simulator, created a vfiler and can produce exactly the same results, no snapmirror or snapvault via rsh or non-interactive ssh. So looks like an upgrade is due
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Hey Scott, i've logged a case with Netapp, it's being escalated so when I hear back and have a resolution i'll update this post. Another thing I wanted to add though if I rsh to the base vfiler (vfiler0) I can see all the commands. If I create a new vfiler on the same system and rsh to that, I'm again missing most of the commands. Lastly I the version that i'm running is 8.0 7-mode not 8.0.1 7-mode as i mentioned earlier
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that's weird, thanks for confirming that you can see the commands,much appreciated yes snapvault is licensed from vfiler0, I have 5 snapvault relationships that i've just initialized fromt he vfiler. 0 protocols are disabled Protocols allowed: 7 Allowed: proto=rsh Allowed: proto=ssh Allowed: proto=nfs Allowed: proto=cifs Allowed: proto=iscsi Allowed: proto=ftp Allowed: proto=http Protocols disallowed: 0 Any other ideas ?
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Just tried that and same thing no snapvault or snapmirror commands I was using putty's plink.exe plink user@vfiler ? ? igroup ndmpcopy quota exportfs ipsec ndmpd radius filestats iscsi nfsstat secureadmin fsecurity keymgr options sis help lock passwd useradmin hostname lun qtree
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Thanks guys, i'm not after an interactive login I'm trying to run the following as an example: rsh vfiler snapvault status It will be part of the script for snapmanager for exchange so that I can pass variable through i.e. $ExchSnapshot as %1 as it describes in the link I posted. If I type rsh vfiler ? It lists the commands available but there isn't any snapvault or snapmirror commands: rsh vfiler ? ? igroup ndmpcopy quota exportfs ipsec ndmpd radius filestats iscsi nfsstat secureadmin fsecurity keymgr options sis help lock passwd useradmin hostname lun qtree I know interactive ssh doesn't work with vfilers, but if I try non-interactive will that work as you said Scott ?
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Hi everyone, I'm currently following this article in setting up snapvault for exchange I need to rsh to my vfiler which is the snapvault secondary and issue the snapvault update command, however when I rsh to the vfiler I don't have any options to type in snapvault commands or I couldn't see snapmirror commands either ? The user that i'm connecting as is full admin.
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Thanks Kannan, that helped. you can quiesce the snapmirror via snapmirror quiesce /vol/vol1_clone/qtree_name followed by snapmirror break /vol/vol1_clone/qtree_name The problem was that my secondary filer is a vfiler and I presented the clone volume already so couldn't quiesce or break it. This has to be done before adding it to the vfiler.
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Hi, We have multiple qtree snapmirror relationships working happily. I needed to make one of the qtree's read/write for testing and then wanted to resume the relationship. So I issued snapmirror quiesce which was succesful, followed by snapmirror break which was also successful, I was able to do my testing, etc Then I wanted to resync so I issued snapmirror resync, it found the common snapshot and asked if I was sure to resync, I said yes and then I get the error source filer not found. I then did snapmirror status and the relationship showed idle. So I wanted to make sure it was ok and issued a snapmirror update command and got the same error, source filer not found. Anyother command I try to enter on this relationship brings back the same error source filer not found. So I had to manually remove it and re-initialize from scratch whic was successful. Now I have a test qtree that i'm trying it on and the same thing, source filer not found. I can bing from either filer to the opposite by ip and name, all other snapmirror relationships on the same filers are working. These are the errors from the snapmirror logs cmd Wed Aug 24 15:14:46 EST -filer-secondary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 Quiesce_start cmd Wed Aug 24 15:14:46 EST -filer-secondary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 Quiesce_end cmd Wed Aug 24 15:15:09 EST -filer-secondary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 Break_command cmd Wed Aug 24 15:18:12 EST filer-primary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 filer-secondary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 Resync_command(filer-secondary(0135099659)_vol1_qtree_1-dst.3296) dst Wed Aug 24 15:18:39 EST filer-primary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 filer-secondary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 Request (Resync) dst Wed Aug 24 15:18:39 EST filer-primary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 filer-secondary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 Rollback_start dst Wed Aug 24 15:18:39 EST filer-primary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 filer-secondary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 Rollback_failed (could not findsource filer) dst Wed Aug 24 15:18:39 EST filer-primary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 filer-secondary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 Abort (could not find sourcefiler) dst Wed Aug 24 15:19:45 EST filer-primary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 filer-secondary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 Request (Update) dst Wed Aug 24 15:19:45 EST filer-primary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 filer-secondary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 Rollback_start dst Wed Aug 24 15:19:45 ESTfiler-primary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 filer-secondary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 Rollback_failed (could not findsource filer) dst Wed Aug 24 15:19:45 EST filer-primary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 filer-secondary:/vol/vol1/qtree_1 Abort (could not find sourcefiler) If I manually remove this relationship and then initialize it again it works. For some reason the resync won't work ?? Any ideas ?
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Hi, We are running multiple snapmirror relationships between our primary and secondary filers. When I flexclone a volume on the secondary that contains qtree snapmirror relationships, and then look at the qtree status on the secondary, the qtree is marked as snapmirrored. Is there anyway to make the qtree normal without having to break the snapmirror relationship before cloning ?
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I got stuck on this today and just thought i'd add what I did to remove the qtree from a vfiler Enable cifs on the vfiler, browse to \\vfiler_ip_or_name\c$\vol\volume_containing_qtree In here just delete the qtree folder. If you have a lun inside the qtree you may need to use the vfiler cli to destroy the lun first.
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The issue finally got resolved. The problem was with the firewall between the Exchange DAG nodes. The firewall was blocking a tcp port 21224. After allowing this port between the DAG members the logs were cleared and everything was working perfectly.
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Just want to add some notes here that may help some other in the future: I ran into this problem today, we have an SRM setup between a primary site filer and secondary site vfiler (across a WAN, separate networks). I made sure I had httpd options set correctly and I still couldn't connect. The resolution was I had to add the secondary sites vcenter ip address to the options trusted.hosts of vfiler0, without this I couldn't connect and constantly got the error message "Failed to connect to management system address while executing discoverArrays command"
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I think we had something similar before. If you open up a cli connection to the storage and then try to connect to the lun again via snapdrive, does the cli display any errors or notices on the screen ? Make sure your snapdrive service account has permissions on the filer.
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