Unfortunately those links do not explain NetApp usage of encoding. It was always a poorly documented subject. Until now I have not seen any explanation, what actually setting of volume language changes. Отправлено с iPhone 04.03.2013, в 20:23, "Scott Gelb" <xdl-communities@communities.netapp.com<mailto:xdl-communities@communities.netapp.com>> написал(а): <https://communities.netapp.com/index.jspa> Re: vol lang on src and det is different, will it have any implication on snapmirror & snapvault on the secondary ? created by Scott Gelb<https://communities.netapp.com/people/scottgelb> in Data ONTAP - View the full discussion<https://communities.netapp.com/message/101737#101737> You are right that the coverage is generic and not a lot of explanation. There are some good links on encoding... I tend to turn ucode on for the root volume on a new install and most use either C (Posix) or en_US in our area. For SnapVault backup targets with ossv I use C.UTF-8 or en_US.UTF-8 for those volumes and looks like a similar use for Commvault. The links explain some of the impact of UTF-8 and the encoding. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8 http://www.utf-8.com/ http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/utf8.htm Reply to this message by replying to this email -or- go to the message on NetApp Community<https://communities.netapp.com/message/101737#101737> Start a new discussion in Data ONTAP by email<mailto:discussions-community-products_and_solutions-data_ontap@communities.netapp.com> or at NetApp Community<https://communities.netapp.com/choose-container.jspa?contentType=1&containerType=14&container=2877>
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aborzenkov, what about NetApp NAS iDA? Could I select backup to tape (assuming I actually could add the tape library to my storage policy,) and it would not do a native NetApp SMTape / NDMP backup directly to tape then? Yes. It is called "Backup copy". You create Snapshot Copy and during backup tell it to copy snapshot to tape. Snapshot can also be marked as "Spool copy" , meaning it is deleted once tape out is completed. This gives you equivalent of "normal" NDMP backup. I do not think it supports SMTape, it is using NDMP (at least I do not remember seeing it in documentation). So with luns / NFS / even files inside vmdk, as this can be indexed by being mounted does that mean it is being streamed to tape in a file data fashion, and you are not backing up a big lun file inside a volume? I do not have experience with VMware, but I believe there is extra virtual server iDA which backs up whole VMDK. Or is NetApp SnapProtect locked down to NDMP / SMTape backing up (possibly via a media agent?). There are two types on snapshots. NAS snapshots can be written out directly to tape. "Server snapshots" (i.e. - snapshots initiated by any other iDA on host) can only be written to tape via proxy media server.
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You I understand you correctly, you want to backup SnapProtect initiated snapshots to tape directly attached to NetApp. That’s not possible. Not even with NFS and not even in Simpana 10. You need media agent that acts as proxy, mounts these snapshots and writes them out to tape.
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You do not explain what you intend to achieve so it is hard to have any ideas. Please paste “ifconfig -a” and explain which additional IP addresses you want to configure.
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I mean that TCP is stream based, so there is no packet boundary in TCP. No, I do not have any information about internal implementation of SnapMirror, sorry.
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Have you verified that correct ports are connected? No kidding, mistakes happen. Have you verified you used the correct cables? How they are marked? I would cf disable, removing CF license, reboot, verify systems came up as standalone and then re-enabling
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There is failed disk registry in Data ONTAP (you see it in ASUP) but I found it unreliable. It also does not record cases when disk goes missing on reboot.
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There is no way to remove disks from aggregate (except by converting RAID_DP to RAID4 which frees up one disk per raid group) so yes, you will need to backup and restore.
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Fri Feb 8 09:36:46 MSK [sapdr:cf.misc.operatorGiveback:info]: Failover monitor: giveback initiated by operator Fri Feb 8 09:36:46 MSK [sapdr:asup.general.cfoveto.nopart:notice]: AutoSupport vetoed giveback because an AutoSupport message for the down partner node was not yet collected. Fri Feb 8 09:36:46 MSK [sapdr:cf.rsrc.givebackVeto:error]: Failover monitor: autosupport: giveback cancelled due to active state So - how can I check that autosupport has completed? I do not like blindly typing "cf giveback" over and over again.
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