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Hello,I have a java app in which I'm trying to interface with a NetApp S3 API gateway in order to store large files there. It was pretty straightforwa more
Dear all,I trying to user the powershell module "NetApp.ONTAP"  to create Qtree on an AFFC800, I believe this module calling API but I am not sure. An more
Hello Community, Do we have a way to patch volume with a tag or annotation. Ideally i'm looking for something like this to work. I"m looking to see  a more
 Hi everyone, greetingsI´m making an active sync lab with the ONTAP simulator 9.15.1,  it´s a snapmirror symmetric active/active configurationAll the more
Hello community we are getting 'Loop detected in next()' errors when invoking  'vserver services name-service ldap check' via Private CLI curl -k -X G more
I am attempting to setup two NetApp clusters with two nodes each using the 9.7 simulator and peer them to do SnapMirror. I get an error stating that I more
unable to run simulator latest version , strange behaviour unable to find ova from add file, i double click it find vmware fusion tried latest version more
How can I gain access to download OnTAP Sim 