Hi everyone, greetingsI´m making an active sync lab with the ONTAP simulator 9.15.1, it´s a snapmirror symmetric active/active configurationAll the ...read more
Hello community we are getting 'Loop detected in next()' errors when invoking 'vserver services name-service ldap check' via Private CLI curl -k -X G ...read more
I am attempting to setup two NetApp clusters with two nodes each using the 9.7 simulator and peer them to do SnapMirror. I get an error stating that I ...read more
unable to run simulator latest version , strange behaviour unable to find ova from add file, i double click it find vmware fusion tried latest version ...read more
the document describing the set setup of the simulator cover only Windows and Mac, however I would like to run the simulator on a VMWare player on ...read more
I want to add disk to vol0. At this moment, storage pool have no disks.For this purpose, I want to get disk from another aggrgate.Is it available?Fro ...read more
Dear NetApp Team,I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to inquire whether there are any plans to introduce additional fields in NetApp ...read more