Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

DFM : export data CLI custom view



I use ManagmentConsole and i created some custom views in "Manage Performance=> Set up => Custom Views".

One of this is "pa_avg_disk_busy" for all my aggregate.

I would like export (using CLI) this informations.

I tried this but doesn't work :

C:\Users\sys-foncia.RESSOURCES>dfm perf export counter add -v "COPIL_aggr-avg-disk-busy" aggregate:pa_avg_disk_busy

Error: View 'COPIL_aggr-avg-disk-busy' is not a legacy view. Only legacy views can be specified.

It's working if i use graphical interface : File => Export => Select Counters

See my view available in dfm cli (i want use bold views) :

C:\Users\sys-foncia.RESSOURCES>dfm perf view list

View Name


Aggregate Summary View

Dataset Summary View

Disk Summary View

Group - Top Objects

Group - Top vFilers

Group Summary View

Lun Alignment View

Lun Summary View

Network Interface Summary View

Processor Summary View

Qtree Summary View

Resource Pool Summary View

Storage System - Disk Throughput

Storage System - Network Throughput

Storage System - Per Protocol Latencies

Storage System - Per Protocol Ops

Storage System - Per Protocol Sizes

Storage System - Top Logical Objects

Storage System - Top Physical Objects

Storage System - Top vFilers

Storage System Summary View

Target Basic

Top Aggregates

Top CPUs

Top LUNs

Top Network Interfaces

Top Volumes

vFiler Basic

vFiler Summary View

Volume IOPs View

Volume Latency View

Volume Summary View








And see the describe of the "COPIL_aggr-avg-disk-busy" :

C:\Users\sys-foncia.RESSOURCES>dfm perf view describe "COPIL_aggr-avg-disk-busy"

View Name: COPIL_aggr-avg-disk-busy

Applies To: Instances

Chart Details:

Chart Name: aggr-avg-disk

Chart Type: simple chart

Counters in this Chart:

Object: SANA:aggrFC

Counter: aggregate:pa_avg_disk_busy

Object: SANB:aggrFC

Counter: aggregate:pa_avg_disk_busy

Object: SANB:aggrSATA

Counter: aggregate:pa_avg_disk_busy

Object: SDD110P001SAN:aggrSATA

Counter: aggregate:pa_avg_disk_busy

Object: SDD110P001SAN:aggrFC

Counter: aggregate:pa_avg_disk_busy

Object: SDD110P002SAN:aggrFC

Counter: aggregate:pa_avg_disk_busy

Object: SDD110P002SAN:aggrSATA

Counter: aggregate:pa_avg_disk_busy

Object: SANA:aggrSATA

Counter: aggregate:pa_avg_disk_busy

Someone can help me ?

Thank you.




     Pls use the

dfm perf data retrieve cli to get the data for the view using cli.


    retrieve -- This command allows you to extract the counter data

                    with supported statistical calculations on them.


    dfm perf data retrieve { [ -o object-name-or-id ... ] [ -C perf-counter ... ]

                              [ -V view-name ] }

                    [ -d duration ] [ -b start-time ] [ -e end-time ]

                    [ -M month ... ] [ -D weekday ... ] [ -T time-range ... ]

                    [ -m statistical-method [ -P percentile-value ]

                              [ -S data-advance-method ] ]

                    [ -s sample-rate ] [ -x output-format ] [ -R ]


    This command retrieves performance data for the specified counters and

    object instances. These counters and instances can be specified explicitly

    using the -C and -o options or implicitly by specifying the view-name

    using -V option.

    When the view specified is associated with object types, the object

    instance has to be explicitly specified using the -o option. When the view

    specified is associated with object instances, this option is not

    mandatory. If -o option is specified in this case, the specified object

    instances are considered, ignoring the instances in the view. If

    counters are explicitly specified along with the view, the counters

    in the view are ignored and the explicitly specified counters are

    considered instead.

    For finer control on the time, a filter with months, days and time

    range with in a day can be specified. Only those time stamps that

    satisfy the filter will be shown in the output. On the resulting output of

    counter data, statistical computations like minimum, maximum, mean,

    and value_at_percentile can be computed.

    Description of options:

    -o Object instance for which data is to be retrieved. Multiple object

              instances can be specified. Specifying a parent will retrieve data

              for all its children.

    -C A counter of the form object-name:counter-name (ex. system:cpu_busy).

              Multiple counters can be specified.

    -V View Name. A view name can be specified, instead of specifying the

              counters and instances explicitly.

    -b Start time. Format: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss". If this option is not

              specified, the start time will be the time of the oldest record.

    -e End time. Format: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss". If this option is not

              specified, the end time will be the time of the newest record.

    -d Duration for which data is to be retrieved (in seconds). The time is

              calculated going backwards from the current time. When this option

              is specified, start-time and or end-time are ignored.

    -s Sample rate (in seconds). This interval will be used to consolidate

              the output data. The available data will be split into regions as

              specified by the sample rate and the last sample in each of those

              regions will be displayed. Also used for window calculation for metrics.

    -x Specifies the format to display the output. Possible values are

              Legacy and TimeIndexed. Default value is Legacy.

    -R If specified, data is rolled-up to the nearest minute. Applicable

              only when the output format is TimeIndexed.

    -M Filter based on month. Examples: Jan, Feb, etc. Comma separated multiple values

              can be specified.

    -D Filter based on day of week. Examples: Mon, Tue, etc. Comma separated multiple

              values can be specified.

    -T Filter based on time range in a day. Example: 16.00-21.55. Comma separated multiple

              values can be specified.

    -m The statistical computation. Valid values are min, max, mean and


    -P For value_at_percentile type of calculation, this contains the

              percentile value.

    -S For computing on fixed size data, this defines the method to advance

              the chunks of data. Valid values are simple, step and rolling. Default

              value is simple. Valid only when a statistical-method is specified.

              Simple and step methods are available for all statistical methods.

              Rolling is valid only for mean statistical method.




Thank you very much Adai

But i have a question about results.

See the describe about COPIL_cpu3. There is only processor3 which match.

C:\Users\Administrator>dfm perf view describe COPIL_cpu3

View Name: COPIL_cpu3

Applies To: Instances

Chart Details:

Chart Name: cpu3

Chart Type: simple chart

Counters in this Chart:

Host: SDD110P002SAN

Instance: processor3

Counter: processor:processor_busy

Host: SDD110P001SAN

Instance: processor3

Counter: processor:processor_busy

Host: SANB

Instance: processor3

Counter: processor:processor_busy

Host: SANA

Instance: processor3

Counter: processor:processor_busy

But when i execute this command, i have all CPU :

C:\Users\Administrator> dfm perf data retrieve -V COPIL_cpu3 -b "2012-06-01 00:00:00" -e "2012-06-01 00:30:00"

Timestamp       SANA:processor3:processor_busy


2012-06-01 00:25:24     54.518

Timestamp       SANA:processor1:processor_busy


2012-06-01 00:25:24     34.633

Timestamp       SANA:processor2:processor_busy


2012-06-01 00:25:24     37.503

Timestamp       SANA:processor0:processor_busy


2012-06-01 00:25:24     35.041

Timestamp       SANB:processor3:processor_busy


2012-06-01 00:22:09     36.890

Timestamp       SANB:processor1:processor_busy


2012-06-01 00:22:09     28.245

Timestamp       SANB:processor2:processor_busy


2012-06-01 00:22:09     29.929

Timestamp       SANB:processor0:processor_busy


2012-06-01 00:22:09     28.797

Timestamp       SDD110P001SAN:processor3:processor_busy


2012-06-01 00:27:48     57.141

Timestamp       SDD110P001SAN:processor1:processor_busy


2012-06-01 00:27:48     25.192

Timestamp       SDD110P001SAN:processor2:processor_busy


2012-06-01 00:27:48     27.737

Timestamp       SDD110P001SAN:processor0:processor_busy


2012-06-01 00:27:48     23.046

Timestamp       SDD110P002SAN:processor3:processor_busy


2012-06-01 00:23:14     29.655

Timestamp       SDD110P002SAN:processor1:processor_busy


2012-06-01 00:23:14     25.942

Timestamp       SDD110P002SAN:processor2:processor_busy


2012-06-01 00:23:14     27.228

Timestamp       SDD110P002SAN:processor0:processor_busy


2012-06-01 00:23:14     24.841

Have you any idea about this ?

Thank you.



     Let me clarify what you want to do. Are you looking for the NMC way of exporting individual counters ? As you stated ?

It's working if i use graphical interface : File => Export => Select Counters

dfm perf data retrieve is to retrieve data from a performance view and doesn't  allow individual counters.

The dfm perf export counter add is to export the list of counters for a defined period to third party tools or database.

You can find the TR named Access to DataFabric Manager and Performance Advisor Data Using Database Access and Data Export

and other TR related to dfm in this link.

OnCommand(DFM) and its related Technical Reports





Yes it's possible if i use graphical interface but i would like "script it" (automated). I already use graphical interface but it's very long if i have lot of "custom counters".

Thank you.

NetApp Alumni

There are performance OnCommand APIs as well that allows you to collect counter information.  Check out:

   - Rick -


Thank you very much Rick and Adai



Could somone help me to find the command to grab the underutilized thick volumes list from DFM via cli ?
