Ok, so we are querying the Datafabric Manager nonhistoric data for our SQL reporting purposes. I have no issues
with executing the views and we are interested in pulling information out of the storageSystemView, specifically
the ssTemperature, ssFailedFanCount, ssFailedPowerUnitCount and the ssNvramBatteryStatus. In both our
production and test environments, all of our filers are displaying a normal value. However, what are all possible
values that these elements can hold so that our reports can reflect when an issue or problem has arisen. For
example ssTemperature is only 6 characters in length. However, when a warning or critical temperature is detected
by the Filer and DFM, what value would be stored in this field, since both warning and critical are more than 6
characters in length. Ditto for the other fields mentioned above. Unfortuately, the database schema is not descriptive
enough to tell me the possible values other than "normal".