Hi. In my /opt/netapp-harvest/netapp-harvest.conf file, I am collecting from 7-mode, cDOT for performance and OCUM for capacity. I have 3 different sites, but OCUM is only in one site.
For my pollers, I used the physical site as the site identifier.
hostname =
site = springfield
My OCUM server is attached to cDOT clusters from all my sites, but is located in newtown.
hostname = 456.456.456.456
site = newtown
host_type = OCUM
data_update_freq = 900
normalized_xfer = gb_per_sec
Will harvest still be able to match the cDOT systems with the correct capacity data even though they are different site identifiers?
How are others using the site identifier? Will this work? So far I have mixed results. And I can't determine why some but not all are working.