Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

OCI 7.1.4 and Service Pack 4 were released today, August 11, 2016


Hey all,


OCI 7.1.4 will likely be the last maintenance release for the OCI 7.1.x stream.


Additionally, Data Source Service Pack 4 is available for OCI 7.1.[0-3], which is an alternative pathway to upgrade your OCI data source code level to the latest and greatest.


New datasource content in these release vehicles:


New! - NetApp StorageGrid beta datasource

New! - EMC Atmos ECS beta datasource

New! - HDS HiCommand datasource now supports a HDS Tuning Manager approach for performance collection. It is the same HDS datasource you already have, but you can choose either the existing HDS performance collection approaches for this datasource, or the Tuning Manager approach. You opt into the Tuning Manager approach by chosing either HTTP or HTTPS for the Tuning Manager protocol, and entering your HTnM username,password,tcp port number and IP/hostname.


Along with other bug fixes and minor enhancements.
