I try to installed Service Pack on OnCommand Insight 7.0.1 build 100.
The Installation failed with Error

* SANscreen SP Installation Log *
INFO: SP Installation Started at 17.12.2014 10:06:57,08
ECHO is off.
INFO: SANscreen Server Installed Location: C:\Program Files\SANscreen\
INFO: Environment Variable used for SP Installation: SANSCREEN_HOME
INFO: Backup the new_model_disks.txt file before SP Installation
1 file(s) copied.
INFO: Stopping the SANscreen Services
The SANscreen Acq service is stopping.
The SANscreen Acq service was stopped successfully.
The SANscreen Server service is stopping.
The SANscreen Server service was stopped successfully.
INFO: Starting the SANscreen Services
The SANscreen Server service is starting.
The SANscreen Server service was started successfully.
The SANscreen Acq service is starting.
The SANscreen Acq service was started successfully.
ERROR: Installation Failed due to some error in registering the SP
* SP Installation FAILED *
ERROR: SP Installation Failed at 17.12.2014 10:09:17,76
I extract the sp zip file, and can´t find the CAB File
Does anyone have any idea about it