Active IQ and AutoSupport Discussions
Active IQ and AutoSupport Discussions
Hi Frnds,
Do we have any command to check the BMC /RLM /SP port Status , like whether the port is connected or not & up or not ?
Hi Saran,
To Display RLM status --
rlm status [-v|-d]
( The -v option displays verbose statistics and the -d option displays RLM debug information. )
To Display SP status --
sp status [-v|-d]
( The -v option displays verbose statistics and the -d option displays sp debug log information. )
No in BMC status there is no status of the port showing up or down , connected or not connected
Hi Saran,
Look out other bmc commands using " bmc help ", you may find the appropriate one.
The BMC Stays operational regardless of the operating state of the storage system. Both the BMC and its dedicated Ethernet NIC use a standby voltage for high availability. The BMC is available as long as the storage system has input power to atleast one the storage system's power supplies
Bmc status
Baseboard Management Controller:
Firmware Version: 1.1
IPMI version: 2.0
DHCP: off
BMC MAC address: 00:a0:97:0b:91:ce
IP address:
IP mask:
Gateway IP address:
BMC ARP interval: 10 seconds
BMC has (1) user: naroot
ASUP enabled: on
ASUP mailhost:
are sp,rlm commands displaying the statuses exactly ??
my need is completely different, i just want to know any cmd to check whether the cables are connected or not?