Hi, I am trying to create a snapmirror relationship with powershell and am failing, been trying this for a while and still not getting anywhere. looked at some examples but they just dont seem to be working with me.
we have netapp v9.1 in two locations, one prod, and one dr. I created a volume in a SVM, then tried to create the snapmirror via powershell also.
I tried the following command:
new-ncsnapmirror -sourcelocation "PRODNA://PROD_SVM/SRM_TEST" -destinationlocation "DR-Cluster-1://DR_SVM/SRM_TEST_mirror" -Type transition_data_protection
I got the following error : new-ncsnapmirror :
Volume "DR-Cluster-1://DR_SVM/SRM_TEST_mirror" not found. (entry doesn't exist)
Also tried some examples from https://practical-admin.com/blog/netapp-powershell-toolkit-101-data-protection/
could not get those to work either.
Any help will be most appreciated, as i need to do quite a few of these, but also need to understand why this is not working.
btw if i do it manually it creates not a problem, but would like to do it with powershell to automate it.