ONTAP Discussions

Redirect output of statit?


1. What are the different performance commands?


Ans:- statit, sysstat, and nfsstat are the most common used command for performance anaylsis.


2. I was reading about statit. But it needs to be started from advanced mode, which cannot be run from any other unix root host machine. My question is that, is there any way to redirect the output, so that it can be easily readable?




To redirect the ouptut to file from some other unix host.


a.) setup secure passwordless ssh or rsh between unix host and netapp filer.


b.) then run ssh "filer hostname" "priv set advanced; statit -b" { " " quotes are necessary run it for 10 seconds at least}
Then run
    ssh "filer hostname" "priv set advanced; statit -e" > file.txt {to end it and redirect to a file}


3. Is there any tool to understand the output of statit?


statit output is very simple. I don't know much about the tool to understand that



This is great input and a good way to see the output outside of the controller.  In addition the Utility Toolcheck Perfstat tool collects this data as well.  


Can I ask a favor?  We've been searching through Community posts that don't have replies that are unanswered.  Could you leave a comment yourself here and mark it as correct?  That way it will still come up in searches for those looking for help with statit but show as resolved as well.
