EF & E-Series, SANtricity, and Related Plug-ins
EF & E-Series, SANtricity, and Related Plug-ins
I'm trying to get the chassi status of a e2700 by SNMP poll but without success. I need to monitorize the status of: hard disk, Fan1, Fan2, power supply1, power supply2, cpu temperature, controller temperature. Are this values available by SNMP? Is there a document with OID details?
Best Regards,
Rui Rodrigues
Refer KB How to configure SNMP monitoring on a storage array
MIB is available at http://mysupport.netapp.com/NOW/download/software/eseries_santricity/11.25.0X00.0016/SM10_R3.MIB
From the KB it seems that no SNMP poll available.
It there any way to monitoring chassis status of e2700?
What OS are you coming from? Have you tried the CLI tools? Somthing like /opt/SMgr/client/SMcli <controller-name | IP> -c "show storagearray healthstatus;" should get the job done.
Then just parse out health status line.
Drop the healthstatus word for a lengthy dump of info.
thanks for the tip. I'm able to get status from CLI on Windows machine with Santricity 11.30 installed. However it will not run if Santricity is not installed.
Is there a way to get this status without install the Santricity software? The machine that will monitorize the storage is running on Linux and I'm unable to install a big software aplication there.
Best Regards,