General Discussion

FAS 2220 Network and Raidconfiguration


Hello to all in the hope anybody can help me with my first steps. 🙂

The Hardware ist a fas 2220 with ontap 8.1 with no additional shelves.
The FAS have 12 SAS Harddisks 450 GB  2 controller and a 7 mode license.
Every Controller have 2 10 Gigabit interfaces and 4  1 Gigabit

Any controller have 2 disks and one spare. Both Controllers work correct.

What i want to know ist the best configuration for the networkinterfaces

In this time are the management Interfaces eM0 are partner in the same subnet.
When this is not ok, how can i remove the Partner from Inerface.

The next question is how to configure the 6 remaining Harddisks . ( Raid-Configuration ? how many Sparedisks )

At the end i want a ISCSI Target for a Hyper V Cluster.


Thanks for yor Support



My assumption here is that this device is no longer under support but if it is, I would highly recommend getting c-mode licensing and upgrading it to 9.1, the latest that is supported. Once you're on 8.3+, you can do Advanced Disk Partitioning and recoup a lot of space lost to root aggregates.


However, since my assumption is that it is no longer under support, then we have to work with what you've mentioned. Since you're on 7-mode, there's no requirement for a dedicated root aggregate so you're going to lose 2 disks to RAID for either controller. If you're trying to squeeze as much space out of it as possible and you can forgo high-availability, I would consider removing the second controller and devoting all 12 disks to the now, single-controller. That way you would lose 2 disks to RAID and keep one spare,  giving you just under 4TB of usable storage. Otherwise, if you want to keep HA, I would do 6 drives per controller, losing 2 to RAID and 1 spare each. You'll end up with about 1.3TB of usable storage per controller. You could also consider running RAID-4 and you'd end up with about 1.8TB of usable storage per controller.


Since you're using iSCSI, best practice is to not use LACP. Assign IPs to all four 10Gig ports and let MPIO sort out pathing.


I'm not sure what you mean about e0M being partners in the same subnet. If you're saying they're in the same subnet, that's fine, your out of band module will also be in that subnet, I can't remember if it was an SP or BMC on that model, but the wrench port has two interfaces behind it, e0M and your out of band.


You may want to spend some time reading the documentation located here.


Hello Chrismaki  Smiley Happy and thanks for yor Help.


Where can i bay c-mode licensing ? A Upgade to 9.1 will be nice. What i need to do?


I need HA , so i tend configure HA with six drives per controller. 1.3 TB is ok for me.

With eM0 i mean the wrench port. In HA configuration you can make wrench port controller 1 ist partner with wrench port controller 2. 
This i think is not LACP.
I dont can find how i undo this. I have read many doku but nothing find.


Your tip about LACP is nice, i want to do it.


A nice day, and thank you verry mutch


If you don't already the licenses, I wouldn't advise buying it now as the model FAS you have is going End of Support in 12 months. You would be better off contacting your local NetApp sales rep and discussing a new appliance or looking at one of the software-defined versions like ONTAP Select or Cloud Volumes ONTAP.

I'm sorry I don't know what you're saying about e0M, but if you paste the contents of the file /etc/rc in here, I can see what you've got setup.
