General Discussion

SnapDrive and Snapmanager for Hyper-V problem over RDP




Not really sure where to put this question. But first try in General.


I now have a Windows Server 2019 Hyper-V environment and have had this problem in earlier versions and servers too. 

Whenever in Remote Desktop to the servers and SnapDrive or SnapManager for Hyper-V needs me to type in a user account and a password the software behaves strange. When the cursor is in the password box it turns extermly slow and unresponsive. It does not hang completely and it is possible to flip back and forth between password box and other programs and sometimes it actually registers the typing but mostly not. I used to be able to go to the console  and there it would be responding as usual but with WS2019 there is some change that causes the same issue on the console. 


Any suggestions what could be causing this or someone with the same issue?

It makes configuring new datasets, backup jobs and things very time consuming.








I have found that it probably is caused by touch screen drivers or windows inking & handwriting features. My PC is a Surface Book 2 and before that I had a Surface Pro. Both have had the issue with writing passwords within Netapp software.  The other day my PC was installing updates and I used an older Macbook Pro I had on my table and then I noticed that I could type passwords without the locks. So I have managed to configure everything now using the Mac but that is not a long term solution.


Not sure how to pass this on to Netapp Software developers.


