General Discussion
General Discussion
I have noticed that i have volume with a snapshot reserve of 0 pourcent but some space is still used by snapshot ?
How is that possible ?
Best regards,
Solved! See The Solution
That's exactly what I meant when I said - Could the snapshot used-space you have observed - is basically 'snapshots' in the active-file system space.
If snapshot reserve is set to : 0, snapshots will consume active-file system space., these snapshots in the image takes up the volume space. If you do NOT want any snapshots then you must disable the snapshots.
What is the output for this command for the 'subject' volume?
volume show -volume <volume> -fields snapshot-space-used,snapshot-reserve-available,snapshot-count
Could the snapshot used-space you have observed - is basically 'snapshots' in the active-file system space.
Look, on my volum from ontap, i see 0 % configured for the snap, but there are snapshot ..
That's exactly what I meant when I said - Could the snapshot used-space you have observed - is basically 'snapshots' in the active-file system space.
If snapshot reserve is set to : 0, snapshots will consume active-file system space., these snapshots in the image takes up the volume space. If you do NOT want any snapshots then you must disable the snapshots.
Okey thank you