Microsoft Virtualization Discussions

First Time On This Discussion, General Questions For the group.


Hi All.

I have asked to create some PowerShell Automation tools for my current project.

As a result, I have some things that might be helpful to others.

Where would be a good place to post Contributions? 

For Example:  I created a function that returns the results of Invoke-NcSsh as a PSObject instead of a string. Very Handy 🙂

I am also working on a replacement for Invoke-NcSsh that does not require putty.  Should be much faster...


I am also stuck on a shelf problem, I need to capture a Stack Diagram that will include data on shelf IDs, serial numbers, disks, etc.  My issue is I need to ensure the correct ID has been applied to the shelfs without physically seeing them.  I am having a hard time determining the difference between a Controller with the internal shelf from an external shelf . Any Help in this area would be very helpful.





i think the best location to leave the code will be GitHub. it's index pretty well in google - so


To share it then it's a different story - don't think there's any problem to post it in the forum (i did it a few months back):


For the shelves - all the internal one's have IOM12E/IOM6E Modules. (the external have the IOM6/IOM12 without the E)

Gidi Marcus (Linkedin) - Storage and Microsoft technologies consultant - Hydro IT LTD - UK

View solution in original post





For the 1st query : I guess this is for the Moderator but I don't see any issue with sharing knowledge. Automation is always handy, but it depends how far you want to go with it. You can always share your knowledge and contribition on the current forum section, and also under - Developer Network | SDK . If usure, reach out to Moderator, they will move it to the right place.


Regarding your 2nd query : I don't think there is any special identification between Internal or External shelf except how it's numbered. In instances where the node contains internal disks (disk that resides in the controller module) shelf is set to ID 0, leaving ID's 1-98 available for external shelves.


However, there is no hard-fast rule for that, it's a recommendation following the Best practices that NetApp has laidout. Even for external shelfs the recommendation starts with '0'. So it is difficult to say if the zero really means Internal or External.


1) For a filer with no internal disks : Stack 1 contains shelf ID's 0-9
2) For a filer with internal disks : Stack 1 contains shelf ID's 1-9


In a clustered Data ONTAP environment, the shelf IDs only need to be unique within an HA pair, not across the entire cluster.

In any case, you may already know that site has 'Active IQ' feature, its under Tool downloads, which basically gives you complete VISUALIZATION on :

1) Cable
2) Stack
3) Raid


You don't need to login/ssh to Filers to obtain this information. This information is ready-made in the Active IQ tool based on the recent autosupport,  I guess this is a good place to get to see your Hardware in VISUALs. 


This is a very useful KB:
Shelf numbering best practice for attaching SAS shelves to a storage system:

Active IQ Config Avisor: [Additional Tool]

Helps you in determining common configuration errors:




i think the best location to leave the code will be GitHub. it's index pretty well in google - so


To share it then it's a different story - don't think there's any problem to post it in the forum (i did it a few months back):


For the shelves - all the internal one's have IOM12E/IOM6E Modules. (the external have the IOM6/IOM12 without the E)

Gidi Marcus (Linkedin) - Storage and Microsoft technologies consultant - Hydro IT LTD - UK


Definitely GitHub - and post your url here!


That being said - I'd love to see the function that returns the results of Invoke-NcSsh as a PSObject instead of a string. Smiley Very Happy


 am working on getting an GitHub account set up.

First I have to find a way to filter out the "Info:" text from commands line 'Disk Show'

I wish there was a way to turn that off... lol


I just created a github account.  you will find my ProcessInvokeNcSsh functions there.

Let me know what you think. 
