Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
In trying to set up some reporting on snapmirrored volumes and the space they are using(with PowerShell), I tried to poll on MirrorStatus from get-navol. This apparently does not have to do with snapmirror, can anyone shed light on what MirrorStatus in the output refers to?
IsWraparound :
MirrorStatus : unmirrored
Name : vol1
Solved! See The Solution
The MirrorStatus field in VolumeInfo contains the RAID mirror status (for a traditional volume; for a flexible volume, the corresponding value of its containing aggregate). Synchronous aggregate mirroring (aka SyncMirror) is used in MetroCluster configurations.
The MirrorStatus field in VolumeInfo contains the RAID mirror status (for a traditional volume; for a flexible volume, the corresponding value of its containing aggregate). Synchronous aggregate mirroring (aka SyncMirror) is used in MetroCluster configurations.
I was afraid that was the answer, that means more involved scripting....oh well. Thank you for the information.
Not too complicated if you just want SnapMirror status:
PS C:\> Get-NaVol vol2 | Get-NaSnapmirror | select Status -ExpandProperty Status
No, unfortunately. Am going to put together a script that pulls all the snapmirrored volumes from a controller, shows the allocated size versus the used size.
going to have to be something along the lines:
get-nasnapmirror |select DestinationLocation, then split that, match it to the array in the pipeline, put it into another loop for the vol the select Name, then do the math on Used versus Total. Not insurmountable at all, just far more complicated. Was hoping that MirrorStatus could be used in a where-object or select farther up to reduce lines.