Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
Any updates?
We have it and it's useless to us until we can name the snapshots consistently for NDMP backups. Please release it for download already!
Yes! Am greatly looking forward to this for 2 customers -- one for NDMP reasons and the other for SnapVault (to make life easier).
+1 for update. Same reasons.
I thought it was due to be out by now. Just checked
But only lists 1.2R1.
Will post this thread to the NetApp SMVI PM and get him to say what is happening.
The SMVI PM is a she :-). Now that's cleared up, SMVI 2.0's official FCS date is end of October, but keep your fingers crossed, I'm hoping we'll beat that date. It is worth waiting for!
go go go go!
End of month is this Saturday...guess that means we should have SMVI 2.0 for download on NOW before then. Are we still on track?
Hope this will be on next few days, cannot wait more...
Waiting for Snapshot's fullnaming control for use with NDMP backup on BackupExec. I Wouldn't begin writing backup scripts with SV-SMVI to get snapshots names as the new SMVI version will fix this.
SMVI 2.0 will be released end of this week (before Halloween). Thanks to everyone for their patience!
I see that it's on NOW for download... Thank you!!!
Yeah cool,
Thks folks
Is there a way to get some SMVI documentation? I am getting error messages on RestoreAgent.
Do we have to install Remoteagent on the destination VM, or can it be installed on any admin workstation or on the SMVI server?
Below is the message i get when starting Restore Agent console from my workstation :
"No access permissions present for guest with BIOS ID : xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx". It starts after canceling the dialog box.
When I install it on the destination VM (the one that need file restore), the above message did'nt appear when starting Remoteagent, but when i try to mount a backup i get the following error message :
"Could not find SCSI disk device Port [1] - Target[1] - Bus [0] - Lun [0]"
Some considerations :
- Just to notice that my VMware storage Netapp setup is based on NFS. No iSCSI datastore were used. So does Remoteagent support VMs on NFS storage?
- For security reasons I have setup IP restrictions on the filer. Should the Restoreagent needs connecting directely to the filer or does it communicate only with the SMVI server or VCserver ?
Thks for help