ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
This is really bugging me (it looks untidy 🙂 ) and is only affecting 2 relationships out of 15 we have so far altered.
We are migrating data from one aggr to another on the source, we have changed the snapmirror source on the destination filer but we can't get rid of the old snapmirror relationship from showing still on the source, as below..
snapmirror status
panna01:vol_esx03 PANNADR01:vol_esx03DR Source 148:23:47 Idle
panna01:vol_esx03_64 PANNADR01:vol_esx03DR Source 00:23:47 Idle
No old snaps exist. Contained old LUNS are offline but old volume is online.
panna01> snap list vol_esx03
Volume vol_esx03
No snapshots exist.
panna01> snap list vol_esx03_64
Volume vol_esx03_64
%/used %/total date name
---------- ---------- ------------ --------
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Jul 27 11:10 PANNADR01(1788976641)_vol_esx03DR.93 (snapmirror)
PANNADR01> snap list vol_esx03DR
Volume vol_esx03DR
%/used %/total date name
---------- ---------- ------------ --------
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Jul 27 10:10 PANNADR01(1788976641)_vol_esx03DR.93
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Jul 27 09:10 PANNADR01(1788976641)_vol_esx03DR.92
Only one relevent entry in either snapmirror.conf and that is on PANNADR01..
panna01:vol_esx03_64 PANNADR01:vol_esx03DR - 10 * * *
Any ideas anyone?
Solved! See The Solution
Okay, sorry for the tardy reply.
Yep I tried every snapmirror command under the sun, no difference. NetApp came back that it needed a registry hack and a reboot. They were going to escalate it to the next level and I am still waiting for them to come back to me 5 days later.
I had already offlined the luns and volumes but it would appear when I got around to destroying the volumes the relationships disappeared which is good.
All back to normal and no hack or reboot.
Thanks for the advice all.
Did you try already restarting snapmirror on source? “snapmirror off; snapmirror on”
Nope, I hadn't... Tried it and no change...
Usually it is a snapshot or Conf file entry. You show no snaps. after removing the Conf file entry and snapmirror on it is still there? In that case it likely is a registry issue. I had one and support talks you through removing the entry. It sounds like that issue. It has a kb or Burt for it and a reboot to manually remove the registry entries
Hmm, a reboot Oh well that is why we have HA.
I'll log a case and try and remeber to log the results and process back here.
Thnaks for the help.
It was some editing along with the reboot. But definitely a support case needed
Sent from my iPhone 4S
Is the old relationship still listed in the output when running 'snapmirror destinations' on the source? If it is then running 'snapmirror release' on that entry might clean it up for you.
I wouldn't expect it to be there if there aren't any old snapshots remaining, but it's worth checking.
Have you done a snapmirror release (snapmirror release vol_esx03 PANNADR01:vol_esx03DR) on the source? I've found that, even though it generates errors saying the relationship doesn't exist or something similar, it does clean things up.
It work's..
Okay, sorry for the tardy reply.
Yep I tried every snapmirror command under the sun, no difference. NetApp came back that it needed a registry hack and a reboot. They were going to escalate it to the next level and I am still waiting for them to come back to me 5 days later.
I had already offlined the luns and volumes but it would appear when I got around to destroying the volumes the relationships disappeared which is good.
All back to normal and no hack or reboot.
Thanks for the advice all.
try by deleting the snapshots in the source volume it will work then
Snapmirror delete -destination-path vs:volume_name -force