Hello, we have Netapp FAS3240 7 Mode Release 8.1.4P4. We have an Aggregate that has Total Space of 26 TB, Used Space of 5 TB, Available space is 21 TB, and Total Committed space of 24 TB.
The Commited space seems right based on the Volumes we created.
Some of the Volumes are Thin Provisioned and some are using Deduplication.
Im a little new to NetApp and im trying to get a better understanding of things.
I have a total commited space of 24 TB yet my available space is 21 TB. Im assuming that the available space is because some of the Volumes are thin provisioned?
I also noticed that some of the Volumes are Deduped as well. Does Deduping a Volume also give space back to the Aggregate? Or its really only getting space back for the Volume so you can create more Luns?
The reason im asking is we might want to start entertaining the idea of overcommiting the aggregate and adding another Volume. So if Deduping helps with saving space on the Aggregate then we might enable it on other Volumes to get even more space back on the aggregate