ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I'm curious if there is a quick way to determine how long the disks have actually been spinning.. I was kind of looking to see how long they've been spinning vs expected life of them
Solved! See The Solution
This did the trick -
get-nadisk | ? {$_.status -ne "partner" } | % {
write-host "Name: " $_.name "`tDays Disk powered on:" ("{0:N0}" -f ( $_.poweronhours / 24 ))
Storage show disk will display total power on time. I guess this comes close to what you ask.
Ah, you kick started my brain... I found what I needed and the associated API I was looking for.
This did the trick -
get-nadisk | ? {$_.status -ne "partner" } | % {
write-host "Name: " $_.name "`tDays Disk powered on:" ("{0:N0}" -f ( $_.poweronhours / 24 ))