ONTAP Discussions

How to view temperature in NetApp FAS 2050


Hello! I'm new to the NetApp and we are having an issue. One of the controllers is giving this alert:


Chassis temperature is too high.


I've found that looking at the syslog messages in the FilerView shows:


[FAS2050a: monitor.chassisTemperature.warm:ALERT]: Chassis temperature is too warm: Board Temp Bot is in warning high state: current temperature is 70 C.


How can I monitor this temperature actively? The other controller is not alerting so I am hoping it is just the one, but I'd like to get both the readings up and see how they react to envrionmental changes. Either from the console or the web interface. Thanks!




RE: Data ONTAP Release





The standard operating temperature for the datacenter should be 18C - 24C (65F - 75F), verify the temperature is within the desired range and remedy the environmental condition if not within the range. For more information, see the Site Requirements Guide.


To verify the current temperatures the filer chassis is reporting, run the command environment chassis list-sensors, the output will be similar to the following:

Note: The output might vary based on the filer type.


Controller> environment status chassis

Voltage ok
Temperature: Sensor Board Temp Top critical high: current temperature is 63 C, critical high is 63 C
Temperature: Sensor Chassis Temp Top warning high: current temperature is 56 C, normal high is 54C, critical high is 62 C
Temperature: Sensor Chassis Temp Bot warning high: current temperature is 54 C, normal high is 54C, critical high is 62 C
Power Supplies OutVoltage ok
Battery: Sensor Batt Temp warning high: current temperature is 58 C, normal high is 45 C, critical high is 60 C
Power Supply 1 ok
Power Supply 2: Sensor PSU2 Temp warning high: current temperature is 56 C, normal high is 55 C, critical high is 62 C


For a more detailed information, issue the command environment chassis list-sensors, the output will be similar to the following:

Note: The output might vary based on the filer type.


Controller> environment chassis list-sensors
Sensor Name        State   Current       Critical   Warning   Warning   Critical
                           Reading         Low        Low       High      High
1.1V               normal   1109 mV       955 mV       --        --      1239 mV 
1.2V               normal   1227 mV      1038 mV       --        --      1357 mV 
1.5V               normal   1498 mV      1309 mV       --        --      1699 mV 
1.8V               normal   1829 mV      1569 mV       --        --      2029 mV 
12.0V              normal   12080 mV    10160 mV       --        --     13840 mV 
2.5V               normal   2502 mV      2116 mV       --        --      2870 mV 
3.3V               normal   3351 mV      2808 mV       --        --      3799 mV 
CPU 1.2V           normal   1180 mV      1038 mV       --        --      1357 mV 
Board Temp Bot     normal      47 C         -3 C      7 C      68 C         75 C 
Board Temp Top     normal      40 C         -3 C      7 C      55 C         63 C 
CPU Temp           normal      58 C           --       --        --        126 C 
Chassis Temp Top   normal      31 C          0 C     10 C      54 C         62 C 
Chassis Temp Bot   normal      28 C          0 C     10 C      54 C         62 C 
Power Status       normal   good
Batt 8.0V          normal   7552 mV        --          --   8512 mV      8576 mV 
Batt Amp           normal   0 mA           --          --   2112 mA      2208 mA 
Batt Run Time      normal  142 Hour      72 Hour  80 Hour        --           -- 
Batt Temp          normal      38 C          0 C     10 C      45 C         60 C 
NVMEM 1.8V         normal   1776 mV      1621 mV  1706 mV   1889 mV      1974 mV 
NVMEM 8.0V         normal   7313 mV           --       --   8508 mV      8604 mV 
PSU1               normal      good
PSU1 Fan           normal  5420 RPM           --       --        --           -- 
PSU1 Temp          normal      34 C          0 C     10 C      55 C         62 C 
PSU1 12V           normal  12100 mV           --       --        --           -- 
PSU1 5V            normal   5150 mV           --       --        --           -- 
PSU1 3V            normal   3540 mV           --       --        --           -- 
PSU1 12 Amp        normal   5550 mA           --       --        --           -- 
PSU1 5 Amp         normal   3760 mA           --       --        --           -- 
PSU2               normal      good
PSU2 Fan           normal  5440 RPM           --       --        --           -- 
PSU2 Temp          normal      30 C          0 C     10 C      55 C         62 C 
PSU2 12V           normal  12160 mV           --       --        --           -- 
PSU2 5V            normal   5180 mV           --       --        --           -- 
PSU2 3V            normal   3560 mV           --       --        --           -- 
PSU2 12 Amp        normal   5490 mA           --       --        --           -- 
PSU2 5 Amp         normal   3810 mA           --       --        --           -- 


If the environmental conditions are within range, faulty hardware such as a fan or failing temperature sensor can also cause a system to overheat and shut down automatically, contact NetApp Technical Support for further assistance.



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Thank you for that quick reply! I ran the command on the filer that is giving me trouble, here is the pertinent section:


Board Temp Bot           warning high      70 C        -3 C         7 C        69 C        79 C     
Board Temp Top           normal            51 C        -3 C         7 C        54 C        62 C     
CPU Temp                 normal            94 C        --          --          --         126 C     
Chassis Temp Top         normal            47 C         0 C        10 C        60 C        69 C     
Chassis Temp Bot         normal            41 C         0 C        10 C        60 C        69 C


The room that the filer is in is around 20c all year round. Is there something I do to remedy this error? Does something need to be replaced or sent in for service? Thanks!




Can you check if the cooling fan at the rear end of the FAS 2050 is in working condition?

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