ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I'm trying to generate doc from a MCC using NetAppDocs 2.6.1, but encounter the following:
PS C:\Users\magnanni_adm> $test=Get-NtapClusterData -Name -Credential (Get-Credential) -Verbose
cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
VERBOSE: Initializing function: Get-NtapClusterData (NetAppDocs v0.0)
VERBOSE: Validating connectivity to system:
VERBOSE: Using supplied credentials
VERBOSE: Connected to using HTTPS
VERBOSE: Skipping EMS logging
VERBOSE: Validating connection LIF type
VERBOSE: Validating user roles
VERBOSE: Gathering data from system:
VERBOSE: - Capturing module version -
VERBOSE: - Capturing PowerShell Version -
VERBOSE: - Gathering basic system information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcSystemVersionInfo
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcSystemImage
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcSystemOntapiVersion
VERBOSE: - Gathering node information-
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNode
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNodeInfo
VERBOSE: - Gathering KENV information -
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (set diag; debug kenv show -instance)
VERBOSE: - Gathering cluster information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCluster
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (set advanced; cluster ring show -instance)
VERBOSE: Get-NcClusterContact
VERBOSE: - Gathering cluster HA information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcClusterHa
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcClusterHaGiveback
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcClusterHaTakeover
VERBOSE: - Gathering cluster HA HwAssist information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcClusterHaHwAssist (Node: NASBUR2C11)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcClusterHaHwAssist (Node: NASBUR2C12)
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (cluster-ha-get)
VERBOSE: - Validating node health -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcTimezone
VERBOSE: - Gathering license information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcLicense
VERBOSE: - Collecting raw sysconfig data -
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system node run -node * sysconfig)
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system node run -node * sysconfig -ac)
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system node run -node * sysconfig -v)
VERBOSE: - Gathering Ntp server information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNtpServer
VERBOSE: - Gathering system services data -
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system services manager install show -instance)
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system services manager policy show -instance)
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system services manager status show -instance)
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system services web show)
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system services web node show -instance)
VERBOSE: - Identifying adapter cards -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NtapExpansionSlotInventory
VERBOSE: - Gathering NDMP configuration -
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system services ndmp show -instance)
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system services ndmp node-scope-mode status)
VERBOSE: - Gathering remote management configuration -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcServiceProcessor
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcServiceProcessorApiService
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcServiceProcessorAutoConfig
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcServiceProcessorAutoSupport
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcServiceProcessorImage (Node: NASBUR2C11) (FirmwareImage: primary)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcServiceProcessorImage (Node: NASBUR2C11) (FirmwareImage: backup)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcServiceProcessorImage (Node: NASBUR2C12) (FirmwareImage: primary)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcServiceProcessorImage (Node: NASBUR2C12) (FirmwareImage: backup)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcServiceProcessorNetwork
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcServiceProcessorSsh
VERBOSE: - Gathering feature information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFeatureStatus
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFeatureUsageSummary
VERBOSE: - Gathering SNMP information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcSnmp
VERBOSE: - Identifying system storage configuration -
VERBOSE: - Identifying system ACP connectivity information -
VERBOSE: - Gathering system storage adapter configuration -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcStorageAdapter
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (storage-adapter-get-adapter-info) NASBUR2C11:0a
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (storage-adapter-get-adapter-info) NASBUR2C11:0b
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (storage-adapter-get-adapter-info) NASBUR2C11:0c
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (storage-adapter-get-adapter-info) NASBUR2C11:0d
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (storage-adapter-get-adapter-info) NASBUR2C11:0g
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (storage-adapter-get-adapter-info) NASBUR2C11:0h
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (storage-adapter-get-adapter-info) NASBUR2C11:3a
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (storage-adapter-get-adapter-info) NASBUR2C11:4a
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (storage-adapter-get-adapter-info) NASBUR2C12:0a
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (storage-adapter-get-adapter-info) NASBUR2C12:0b
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (storage-adapter-get-adapter-info) NASBUR2C12:0c
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (storage-adapter-get-adapter-info) NASBUR2C12:0d
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (storage-adapter-get-adapter-info) NASBUR2C12:0g
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (storage-adapter-get-adapter-info) NASBUR2C12:0h
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (storage-adapter-get-adapter-info) NASBUR2C12:3a
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (storage-adapter-get-adapter-info) NASBUR2C12:4a
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcStorageBridge
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcStorageSwitch
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcStorageShelf
VERBOSE: - Gathering StoragePool information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcStoragePool
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcStoragePoolAggr
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcStoragePoolDisk
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcStoragePoolAvailableCapacity
VERBOSE: - Gathering EMS Information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcEmsConfig
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcEmsDestination
VERBOSE: - Gathering options -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcOption
VERBOSE: - Gathering detailed aggregate information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcAggr
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcAggrOption (Aggr: agr_NASBUR2C11_00)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcAggrOption (Aggr: agr_NASBUR2C11_01)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcAggrOption (Aggr: agr_NASBUR2C12_00)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcAggrOption (Aggr: agr_NASBUR2C12_01)
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system node run -node <nodename> -command snap sched -A)
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system node run -node <nodename> -command snap list -A <aggrname>)
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system node run -node <nodename> -command snap list -A <aggrname>)
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system node run -node <nodename> -command snap sched -A)
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system node run -node <nodename> -command snap list -A <aggrname>)
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system node run -node <nodename> -command snap list -A <aggrname>)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcAggrAutobalance
VERBOSE: Get-NcAggrAutobalanceAggrState
VERBOSE: Get-NcAggrAutobalanceVolumeState
VERBOSE: Get-NcAggrSpace
VERBOSE: Get-NcAggrSpare
VERBOSE: Get-NcAggrStatus
VERBOSE: - Gathering flash device data -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFlashDevice
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFlashThreshold
VERBOSE: - Gathering physical disk information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcDisk
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (set diag; storage disk partition show -instance)
VERBOSE: - Gathering FC adapter data -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFcAdapter
VERBOSE: - Gathering FCP configuration data -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFcpService
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFcpAdapter
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFcpInitiator
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFcpInterface
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFcpPortNameAlias
VERBOSE: - Gathering iSCSI configuration data -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcIscsiInterface
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcIscsiInterfaceAccess
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcIscsiService
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcIscsiInitiator
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcIscsiTargetPortalGroup
VERBOSE: - Gathering iGroup information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcIgroup
VERBOSE: - Gathering PortSet information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcPortSet
VERBOSE: - Gathering network details -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetPort
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetPortIfgrp
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetPortVlan
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetInterface
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetDns
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetDnsHost
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (network interface show -fields
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetActiveRoutes
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetRoute
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetRouteLif
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetSubnet
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetFailoverGroup
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (network interface show -failover)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetOption
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetDeviceDiscovery
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetReceivedWindowSize
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetArpActiveEntry
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetFirewall
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetFirewallPolicy
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetIpspace
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetNdpActiveNeighbor
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetNdpDefaultRouter
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetNdpNeighbor
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetNdpPrefix
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetPortBroadcastDomain
VERBOSE: - Gathering shelf data -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcShelf (Node NASBUR2C11)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcShelfEnvironment (Node NASBUR2C11)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcShelf (Node NASBUR2C12)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcShelfEnvironment (Node NASBUR2C12)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcShelfBay
VERBOSE: - Gathering tape/MC device information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcTapeMc
VERBOSE: - Gathering Vserver information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcVserver
VERBOSE: - Gathering Vserver peer information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcVserverPeer
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcVserverPeerTransition
VERBOSE: - Gathering detailed volume information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcVol
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcVolClone
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcVolFootprint
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcVolSpace
VERBOSE: - Gathering SIS configuration -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcSis
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcSisPolicy
VERBOSE: - Gathering detailed snapshot information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcSnapshot
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcSnapshotPolicy
VERBOSE: - Gathering qtree data -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcQtree
VERBOSE: - Gathering user data -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcUser
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcUser (diag user)
VERBOSE: - Gathering role data -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcRole
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcRoleConfig
VERBOSE: - Gathering name mapping data -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNameMapping
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNameMappingUnixGroup
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNameMappingUnixUser
VERBOSE: - Gathering group mapping data -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcGroupMapping
VERBOSE: - Gathering Vscan information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcVscanConnection
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcVscanOnAccessPolicy
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcVscanScannerPool
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcVscanScannerPoolActive
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcVscanStatus
VERBOSE: - Gathering audit configuration -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcAudit
VERBOSE: - Gathering autosupport configuration -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcAutoSupportConfig
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcAutoSupportDestination
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcAutoSupportHistory
VERBOSE: - Gathering export policy information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcExportPolicy
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcExportRule
VERBOSE: - Gathering QOS configuration -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcQosControlConfiguration
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcQosPolicyGroup
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcQosPolicyReadAhead
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcQosWorkload
VERBOSE: - Gathering Fpolicy configuration -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFpolicyStatus
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFpolicyServerStatus
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFpolicyExternalEngine
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFpolicyPolicy
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFpolicyEvent
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFpolicyScope
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFpolicyPassthroughReadConnection
VERBOSE: - Gathering File Directory Security configuration -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFileDirectorySecurityPolicy
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFileDirectorySecurityPolicyTask
VERBOSE: - Gathering File Service Audit configuration -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcFileServiceAudit
VERBOSE: - Gathering cluster peer configuration -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcClusterPeer
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcClusterPeerHealth
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcClusterPeerConnection
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcClusterPeerPolicy
VERBOSE: - Gathering Metrocluster information -
VERBOSE: Calling Test-NcMetrocluster
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcMetrocluster
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcMetroclusterConfigReplication
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcMetroclusterInterconnectAdapter
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (metrocluster-interconnect-mirror-get-iter)
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (metrocluster-interconnect-mirror-multipath-get-iter)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcMetroclusterNode
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcMetroclusterOperation
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcMetroclusterProgress
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcMetroclusterVserver
VERBOSE: - Gathering Snapmirror configuration -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcSnapmirror
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcSnapmirrorDestination
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcSnapmirrorPolicy
VERBOSE: - Gathering quota configuration -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcQuota
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcQuotaStatus
VERBOSE: - Gathering config backup information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcConfigBackup
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcConfigBackupCount
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcConfigBackupUrl
VERBOSE: - Gathering dashboard/diagnostics information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcDashboardAlarm
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcDashboardAlarmThreshold
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcDiagnosisAlert
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcDiagnosisAlertDefinition
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcDiagnosisConfig
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcDiagnosisPolicyDefinition
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcDiagnosisStatus
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcDiagnosisSubsystem
VERBOSE: - Gathering LUN information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcLun
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcLunMap
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcLunCopy
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcLunImport
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcLunMove
VERBOSE: - Gathering name services information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNis
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcKerberosConfig
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcKerberosRealm
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcLdapClient
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcLdapClientSchema
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcLdapConfig
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNameServiceNsSwitch
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNameServiceDNSStatistics
VERBOSE: - Gathering netgroup information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNetgroupFile
VERBOSE: - Gathering job information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcJob
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcJobSchedule
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcActiveDirectoryAccount
VERBOSE: - Gathering CIFS configuration information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsServer
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsDomainServer
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsDomainTrust
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsTrustedDomain
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSymlink
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsShare
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR201-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR201-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR201-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR201-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR202-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR202-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR202-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR202-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR203-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR203-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR203-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR203-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR204-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR204-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR204-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR204-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR205-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR205-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR205-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR205-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR206-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR206-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR206-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR206-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR290-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR290-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR290-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR290-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR291-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR291-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR291-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR291-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR292-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR292-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR292-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR292-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR293-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR293-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR293-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR293-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR294-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR294-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR294-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR294-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR295-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR295-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR295-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR295-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR296-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR296-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR296-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR296-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR297-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR297-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR297-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR297-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR298-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR298-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR298-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR298-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR299-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR299-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR299-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR299-mc)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR301)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR301)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR301)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR301)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR302)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR302)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR302)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR302)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR303)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR303)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR303)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR303)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR304)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR304)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR304)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR304)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR305)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR305)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR305)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR305)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR306)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR306)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR306)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR306)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR390)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR390)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR390)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR390)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR391)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR391)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR391)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR391)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR392)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR392)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR392)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR392)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR393)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR393)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR393)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR393)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR394)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR394)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR394)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR394)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR395)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR395)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR395)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR395)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR396)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR396)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR396)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR396)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR397)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR397)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR397)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR397)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR398)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR398)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR398)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR398)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectorySearchPath (Vserver: FPLBUR399)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsOption (Vserver: FPLBUR399)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPreferredDomainController (Vserver: FPLBUR399)
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsSecurity (Vserver: FPLBUR399)
VERBOSE: - Gathering CIFS local users and groups -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsLocalUser
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsLocalGroup
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsLocalGroupMember
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsPrivilege
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsBranchCache
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsCharacterMapping
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsDomainPasswordSchedule
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcCifsHomeDirectoryConfig
VERBOSE: - Gathering GPO configuration information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcGpo
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcGpoApplied
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcGpoGpResult
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcGpoRestrictedGroupApplied
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcGpoRestrictedGroupDefined
VERBOSE: - Gathering NFS configuration information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcNfsService
VERBOSE: - Gathering performance configuration information
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcPerfArchiveConfig
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcPerfPreset
VERBOSE: - Gathering security related information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcSecurityCertificate
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcSecurityCertificateIssued
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcSecuritySsl
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcSecuritySsh
VERBOSE: - Gathering UCM information -
VERBOSE: Calling Get-NcUcmAdapter
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system health node-connectivity adapter show -instance)
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system health node-connectivity disk show -instance)
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system health node-connectivity shelf show -instance)
VERBOSE: Calling Invoke-NcSystemApi (system health cluster-switch show -instance)
VERBOSE: - Getting current timestamp -
VERBOSE: - Identifying SystemName -
VERBOSE: - Identifying any errors during processing -
WARNING: Errors were encountered while collecting data from system:
Please review the output for accuracy and, if necessary, correct any error conditions
then run these scripts again.
If i'm trying to format it give me the folowing error:
VERBOSE: Initializing function: Format-NtapClusterData (NetAppDocs v0.0)
VERBOSE: Reading input data from pipeline
VERBOSE: Formatting input data for SystemName: NASBUR2C1
WARNING: Empty dataset found so document generation not possible.
I think this come from the following error during the Get-NtapClusterData:
PS C:\Users\magnanni_adm> $test.DiscoveryError
Category : InvalidOperation
Activity : Get-NcMetroclusterOperation
TargetName :
TargetType : NcController
Description : Loop detected in next() for table metrocluster_operation_history. Next on "99 b324d505-d09f-11e5-a46b-00a09866d0f1" returned "0 7c7cfdc1-d09e-11e5-a46b-00a09866d0f1".
I'v tryed by adding both cluster-mgmt IP of my two cluster from my MCC, but it's still the same error.
Any idea how to correct this?
Maybe it's corrected in NetAppDocs 3.0 but i only found the lite version.
I've upgraded NetAppDocs to last version 3.1 and problem is gone
Too quick reply...sorry
I still have the problem.
Will start a new discussion in correct community