ONTAP Discussions

New NetAPP Setup \ Configuration - FAS2620 Series by using Micro-USB console port


We have new Netapp 2620 system racked and also completed cabling as per FAS26xx Series Systems Installation and Setup Instructions.




As per my understanding  i need to connect the console to system using the Micro-USB console port (115,200 baud with N-8-1) then complete the configuration based on the data collected on the system configuration worksheet.


As i am doing this first time i am not sure what is the next step after coonecting the Micro-USB console port to my laptop and power on netapp.. Do i need to open putty or Internet explorer to get connection to the netapp console ?




Please advise





i think it should identify as a serial port in dev mgr.  you can see the port number assigned to it (COM1 for example). and you can start your putty session to this port.




Gidi Marcus (Linkedin) - Storage and Microsoft technologies consultant - Hydro IT LTD - UK

View solution in original post



We have new Netapp 2620 system racked and also completed cabling as per FAS26xx Series Systems Installation and Setup Instructions.




As per my understanding  i need to connect the console to system using the Micro-USB console port (115,200 baud with N-8-1) then complete the configuration based on the data collected on the system configuration worksheet.


As i am doing this first time i am not sure what is the next step after coonecting the Micro-USB console port to my laptop and power on netapp.. Do i need to open putty or Internet explorer to get connection to the netapp console ?




Please advise




i think it should identify as a serial port in dev mgr.  you can see the port number assigned to it (COM1 for example). and you can start your putty session to this port.




Gidi Marcus (Linkedin) - Storage and Microsoft technologies consultant - Hydro IT LTD - UK


Thank you Gidi. Let me try to connect.


I have this same issue. I hook up the Micro USB on laptop, Win7, its missing a device driver (MCP2221 USB-I2C/UART Combo) 


Putty does NOT connect. Setting are: 115200 8N1


I get nothing.....what is the trick to this?? 


So once I get that working...where are detailed setup instructions??


Setup Poster says:


Connect console port 


Power on all disk shelves.....


Set shelf ID....HOW? What, where are the command to do this??


Cycle Power to disk shelves...HOW?? more commands that are no where to be found. Or just hit the power button?


Power on the system......(turn the power buttons on again?)


The it says to complete the config using data collected....so...


Seriously.....I am NOT a NetApp Guru...this is the first one I am setting up. Nothing is intuitive.



Can someone point me to so usefull documentation about this?? My search has returned nothing...nothing on Youtube....numerous doc show up in google search pointing to netapp/library locations that never load....NetApps own Setup video expects all this side to be done already and logged into the Cluster Management IP....so that video is completly irelevant.


I cannot even get into this box let alone set an IP>











Make sure you have connected USB cable one end to your laptop USB port and other end to Micro USB Serial Console Port  in NetApp( If you are not sure abt the port please find the below link)





Power on all the disk shelfs and set the shelf ID



Shelf id 00 is automatically assigned to first shelf (shelf which has node1 and node2 controller)

Remove the front cap of Shelf 2 (expansion unit) then keep pressing the button to change the shelf id and set to 01

Once you set the shelf id, it keeps blinking and also you cans see that amber light is on. Go ahead and do the power recycle by using the power button




Putty does NOT connect. Setting are: 115200 8N1



When you open putty make sure that you are selecting  Connetion type as Serial (radio buttoun) -----> Please find my attachment for more details


Speed = 115200


Serial Line ( Check the device mnagare and find the correct COM port. in my case it was COM4)


You can find out the com port when you open device manager ---> Ports (COM &LPT)  you can see the correct COM port name Eg. COM3 or COM4 etc  . If you have any doubt just remove the USB cable from the laptop so that you can see that the which COM port is disappearing 


Right click on the correct COM port then ---> Properties --->Port Settings

Bits per SSecond = 115200

Data bits = 8

Parity = none

Stop bits =1

Flow COntroll = Non


click OK then open it again to make sure the values are updated



Cycle Power to disk shelves.


After setting the shelf ID you can use the switch behind the Net app controller to reset the power. Once you complete the the configuration then you can use netapp commands


Power on the system


Yes use the switch



it says to complete the config using data collected....so.



If your putty seetings are correct and you have connected to the correct COM  port with Serial connection, then you will get the cluster configuration wizard . just folllow the wizard.


 Please find the below cluster configuration command for your reference 


Type yes to confirm and continue {yes}: yes
Enter the node management interface port [e0M]:
Enter the node management interface IP address: xx.xx.xx.xx
Enter the node management interface netmask: xx.xx.xx.xx
Enter the node management interface default gateway: xx.xx.xx.xx
A node management interface on port e0M with IP address xx.xx.xx.xx has been created.
Use your web browser to complete cluster setup by accessing
Otherwise, press Enter to complete cluster setup using the command line
Do you want to create a new cluster or join an existing cluster? {create, join}:
Do you intend for this node to be used as a single node cluster? {yes, no} [no]:
Existing cluster interface configuration found:
Port    MTU     IP              Netmask
e0a     9000
e0b     9000
Do you want to use this configuration? {yes, no} [yes]:
Enter the cluster administrator's (username "admin") password:
Retype the password:
Step 1 of 5: Create a Cluster
You can type "back", "exit", or "help" at any question.
Enter the cluster name: xxxxxx
Creating cluster xxxxxx                                                                                                                                    
Starting cluster support services ..
Cluster xxxxx has been created.
Step 2 of 5: Add Feature License Keys
You can type "back", "exit", or "help" at any question.
Enter an additional license key []:
Step 3 of 5: Set Up a Vserver for Cluster Administration
You can type "back", "exit", or "help" at any question.
Enter the cluster management interface port [e0c]:
Enter the cluster management interface IP address: xx.xx.xx.xx
Enter the cluster management interface netmask: xx.xx.xx.xx
Enter the cluster management interface default gateway [xx.xx.xx.xx]:
A cluster management interface on port e0c with IP address xx.xx.xx.xxhas been created.  You can use this address to connect to and manage the cluster.
Enter the DNS domain names: xxxxxxxxx
Enter the name server IP addresses: xx.xx.xx.xx
DNS lookup for the admin Vserver will use the xx.xx.xx.xx domain.
Step 4 of 5: Configure Storage Failover (SFO)
You can type "back", "exit", or "help" at any question.
SFO will be enabled when the partner joins the cluster.
Step 5 of 5: Set Up the Node
You can type "back", "exit", or "help" at any question.
Where is the controller located []: help
The user's description of the physical location of this controller.
You can type "back", "exit", or "help" at any question.
Where is the controller located []: India
Cluster "xxxx" has been created.
To complete cluster setup, you must join each additional node to the cluster
by running "system node show-discovered" and "cluster add-node" from a node in the cluster.
To complete system configuration, you can use either OnCommand System Manager
or the Data ONTAP command-line interface.
To access OnCommand System Manager, point your web browser to the cluster
management IP address (https://xx.xx.xx.xx).
To access the command-line interface, connect to the cluster management
IP address (for example, ssh admin@xx.xx.xx.xx).



After this use oncommand system mgr to add the second node to the existing cluster node (COnfiguration ---> Cluster exansion)


If you are doing it first time it is beetter to fill the cluster configuration work sheet . You can download it from 





Please find below attachment for Putty  and Device Mgr settings


Yes. You are correct. The document  comes with NetApp is for the person who already have experience in Netapp or Linux.


Please find the detail steps below:



Power on all the NetApp  nodes by using power button located near by the power connection port


Once you power on all the shelfs, Netapp will automatically  assign the Shelf id 00  to the  first shelf (shelf which has node1 and node2). We need to assign the correct shelf ID for Shelf 2


Remove the front plastic cap on  Shelf 2 (expansion unit) then keep pressing the small  button to change the shelf id and set ID to 10


Once you set the shelfs ID for all the shelfs use the power button for power recycle. (I am not sure is there any other way to power recycle at this point)


Make sure you are using the correct cable which comes with NetApp. You can connect one end to your Laptop USB port and other end to the net app Micro USB Serial console port. ( If you are not sure abt the port please find the below link)





Open Dev Manager in your laptop and go to – Ports (COM &LPT) USB Serial Device (COM4) – In My case it was COM4,  it may be different like COM3 or COM2 etc . If you are not sure about the port name  just remove the USB cable connected to the NetApp so that you can see which COM port is disappearing from device mgr.


If it is COM4 then take the COM 4 properties and set the baud  rate (Please find my attachment for setting baud rate as 115,200 with N-8-1 ) Click OK to save the settings and make sure that the settings are saved



When you open Putty make sure that you are connecting by using Serial port and correct COM port with correct speed ( Please find the attached document)


Note: If you are doing it first time please download the Cluster configuration worksheet from below link and fill the details. So that it is easy to complete the cluster configuration






After connecting to console by direct USB cable please follow the below listed command to complete the initial config


Enter the node management interface IP address: xx.xx.xx.xx ----------->Type the IP then enter

Enter the node management interface netmask: xx.xx.xx.xx ---------->Type the IP then enter

Enter the node management interface default gateway: ----------->Type the IP then enter

A node management interface on port e0M with IP address xx.xx.xx.xx has been created.


Use your web browser to complete cluster setup by accessing

https://xx.xx.xx.xx ----------------------> I have used the command line to complete the configuration just enter to continue

Otherwise, press Enter to complete cluster setup using the command line



Do you want to create a new cluster or join an existing cluster? {create, join}:

create -------------> type create then enter

Do you intend for this node to be used as a single node cluster? {yes, no} [no]:----------------------> default option is already selected as no so just enter

Existing cluster interface configuration found:

Port    MTU     IP              Netmask

e0a     9000

e0b     9000


Do you want to use this configuration? {yes, no} [yes]: --------------------> default option is already selected as Yes so just enter

Enter the cluster administrator's (username "admin") password: -----------> Enter your admin password

Retype the password:------------> Re type your admin password



Step 1 of 5: Create a Cluster

You can type "back", "exit", or "help" at any question.

Enter the cluster name: xxxxxx-------------> type cluster name

Creating cluster xxxxxx                                                                                                                                    

Starting cluster support services ..

Cluster xxxxx has been created.



Step 2 of 5: Add Feature License Keys

You can type "back", "exit", or "help" at any question.

Enter an additional license key []:-----------> no need to enter any key jusy enter


Step 3 of 5: Set Up a Vserver for Cluster Administration

You can type "back", "exit", or "help" at any question.

Enter the cluster management interface port [e0c]: --------------------> default option is already selected  so just enter

Enter the cluster management interface IP address: xx.xx.xx.xx

Enter the cluster management interface netmask :xx.xx.xx.xx

Enter the cluster management interface default gateway [xx.xx.xx.xx]:

A cluster management interface on port e0c with IP address xx.xx.xx.xxhas been created.  You can use this address to connect to and manage the cluster.


Enter the DNS domain names: -----------> Your Active Directory name

Enter the name server IP addresses: Your DNS server IP ( IP address of AD)

DNS lookup for the admin Vserver will use the XXXXX domain.


Step 4 of 5: Configure Storage Failover (SFO)

You can type "back", "exit", or "help" at any question.

SFO will be enabled when the partner joins the cluster. --------> just enter


Step 5 of 5: Set Up the Node

You can type "back", "exit", or "help" at any question.

Where is the controller located []: XXX -------> Type the location Eg. India

Cluster "xxxx" has been created.



To complete cluster setup, you must join each additional node to the cluster--------->  Now you can connect the on command system manager to add all other nodes to the existing cluster


by running "system node show-discovered" and "cluster add-node" from a node in the cluster.

To complete system configuration, you can use either OnCommand System Manager

or the Data ONTAP command-line interface.

To access OnCommand System Manager, point your web browser to the cluster

management IP address (https://xx.xx.xx.xx).

To access the command-line interface, connect to the cluster management

IP address (for example, ssh admin@xx.xx.xx.xx).



After this command use oncommand system mgr to add the second node to the existing cluster node (Configuration ---> Cluster expansion)


Pleas elet me know if you have any questions



Wow....thanks Bibinraj: a wealth of information. If I had only known this before pressing forward.


Now I think I am stuck.


I managed to changed shelf ID as you mentioned, but was confused becasue after changing it to "01" on reboot it shows "10" I hope that is CORRECT? Ten = zero one? Your pic is also showing TEN. Not 01?


I fired up the one controller last week before I had this information, entered IP etc, but choose NOT to configure cluster. (followed similar config used in Netapp Simulator). So now when I look at my one conmfigured node, there are no interconnect IP's avaiabale (169.xxx.xxx.xxx) ?


How can I get this node configured so its not a single node cluster? There seems to be no way to do this in the web interface that I can see. 


The 2nd node is already to join and has assigned IP's to e0a and e0b as: 169.254.9x.2xx and 169.254.3x.1xx


Or...how can I do a factory reset and start over?






EDIT:: Ok...I managed to reboot Node 01, "Ctrl-C" Option 4 reset disks....I have done this...and its now rebooted and wiping disks...then I get this:


disk shelf modules on disk shelf 0a.10 are running two different firmware versions. Modual A is running 0120 ....Module B is running 0110


So what is this all about...brand new box and firmware is already non compliant on brand new disks??



At this time..I am still waiting for it to finish the wipe...at least I thinik I am. Dots continue to cross the screen after this last message was diplayed about disk firmware...so it is still finishing...or is it stuck and in limbo??. How do I know??


On the 5 rows of DOTS.....and still waiting....


Sucks that it takes days and days to set one of these up when you have never done it before becasue of all the mystery surrounding it, zero documentation, usb UART that requires a driver that seems to be another mystery or where to get it,  ...and the one response I got from the community (much appreciated) is in a different time zone.



Does it really have to be this complicated??





Shelf ID 00 & 10 are correct


I have not done Restoring to Factory Defaults before. As per my understanding it may take more time to complte the process. So let it complete .


Please find the below link for more details






Hi all;


Ok...I waiting for the device wipe to finish..all good, just takes awhile so let it run.


I have now managed to get both nodes into the cluster. I am golden.


Tks for the pointers you gave above, would NOT be easy with out them.



I am now going to dig in and see if I can break it.


Tks for the help



EDIT: I am continuing my fight with this system.


So, I have yet to purchase cable/sfp's for some of the ports (e0c-e0d e0e-e0f), thats fine. When I look at the "setup doc" it lists three 10GBe part numbers:

112-00299, 112-00300 and 112-00301


Going over to the Hardware Universe Site: https://hwu.netapp.com/Controller/Index?platformTypeId=2032#none


Looking through this documentation and once again these numbers do NOT exist. OMG


Ok..i am going to place blame on myself for not knowing enough about Netapp.


But if someone could please explain where these part numbers are listed (other than the setup poster) because I need to Purchase some.


Maybe the Setup Poster the WRONG part numbers?? Or the HU is showing me the WRONG part numbers. Or...what??


So here I am again...WAITING and on HOLD, becasue of the lack of information by NETAPP.  





Talk about frustrating.



Please chat with net app support





All the best


Please chat with Net App support they can help you to find the correct part number




CHAT link is availble at top right corner of the support website
