ONTAP Discussions

Remove P1 and P2 partiions from disk


I have a question on how to remove the P1 and P2 partitions (root and data partition) from a disk. I can't seem to get rid of them. If i do a wipeconfig of the whole machine all the disks are zeroed but the partitions still remain. If zero the disk one at the time they zero but only the data partition. When i boot in maintenance and want to unpartition them it gives a error


Does anyone know a method that works to get rid of the partitions?


0a.00.15P1   Not Owned                  NONE   KZHJXE7FNP001
0a.00.15P2   Not Owned                  NONE   KZHJXE7FNP002
0a.00.8P1    Not Owned                  NONE   KZHK4YUFNP001
0a.00.8P2    Not Owned                  NONE   KZHK4YUFNP002
0a.00.3P1    Not Owned                  NONE   KZHK4ZDFNP001
0a.00.3P2    Not Owned                  NONE   KZHK4ZDFNP002
0a.00.19P1   Not Owned                  NONE   KZHJYYKFNP001
0a.00.19P2   Not Owned                  NONE   KZHJYYKFNP002
0a.00.5P1    Not Owned                  NONE   KZHK0JZFNP001
0a.00.5P2    Not Owned                  NONE   KZHK0JZFNP002
0a.00.7P1    Not Owned                  NONE   KZHG283FNP001
0a.00.7P2    Not Owned                  NONE   KZHG283FNP002
0a.81.18P1   Not Owned                  NONE   KZHK0KGFNP001
0a.81.18P2   Not Owned                  NONE   KZHK0KGFNP002
0a.00.18P1   Not Owned                  NONE   KZHJPNZFNP001
0a.00.18P2   Not Owned                  NONE   KZHJPNZFNP002
0a.81.16P1   Not Owned                  NONE   KZHDWAKFNP001
0a.81.16P2   Not Owned                  NONE   KZHDWAKFNP002
0a.00.9P1    Not Owned                  NONE   S3L0BHYVNP001
0a.00.9P2    Not Owned                  NONE   S3L0BHYVNP002
0a.00.4P1    Not Owned                  NONE   S3L0BHD1NP001
0a.00.4P2    Not Owned                  NONE   S3L0BHD1NP002
0a.00.17P1   Not Owned                  NONE   S3L0AMAWNP001
0a.00.17P2   Not Owned                  NONE   S3L0AMAWNP002
0a.00.14P1   Not Owned                  NONE   S3L0B2R5NP001
0a.00.14P2   Not Owned                  NONE   S3L0B2R5NP002
0a.00.16P1   Not Owned                  NONE   S3L083AMNP001
0a.00.16P2   Not Owned                  NONE   S3L083AMNP002
0a.00.6P1    Not Owned                  NONE   S3L0B6WLNP001
0a.00.6P2    Not Owned                  NONE   S3L0B6WLNP002
0a.00.13P1   Not Owned                  NONE   S3L06PY0NP001
0a.00.13P2   Not Owned                  NONE   S3L06PY0NP002


*> disk unpartition 0a.00.13P2
Disk 0a.00.13P2 must not have file system partitions. All partitions must be spare
Do not proceed with unpartition if disk has file system partitions. Abort unpartition (y/n)? n
disk unpartition: Disk 0a.00.13P2 not found.
Disk unpartition aborted.





Sarek -


I'd try assigning the ownership, zeroing, and then try to unpartion...


I found these references on the support site:


1057401: Partitioned disks cannot be unpartitioned in Maintenance mode

NABUGID, 1057401. NATITLE, Disk unpartition failed with error CR_DISK_WRONG_STATE on 9.1RC2. ... 7. Boot back into normal mode. 8. Unpartition each partitioned disk by running the following command: disk unpartition 9. Boot back into Maintenance mode ...

  How To: OEM: How to unpartition drives in order to perform a revert from Data ONTAP 8.3

How To: OEM: How to unpartition drives in order to perform a revert from Data ONTAP 8.3 Former KB ID, 1014954. Title, How To: OEM: How to unpartition drives in order to perform a revert from Data ONTAP 8.3. Number, 000028006. ...



I hope this response has been helpful to you.

At your service,

Eugene E. Kashpureff, Sr.
Independent NetApp Consultant http://www.linkedin.com/in/eugenekashpureff
Senior NetApp Instructor, Fast Lane US http://www.fastlaneus.com/
(P.S. I appreciate 'kudos' on any helpful posts.)


We do this process all the time because the new systems come from Netapp with ADP configured on encryption capable disks.


Record which disks are owned by each node in the chassis.

Bring controllers down to maintenance mode and then run "disk encrypt sanitize -all" on each node.

When that is done, do a "disk unfail disk.id" for each disk assigned to node A & B.

Then a disk assign to assign disks back to their respective controllers.

Halt the controllers, do a boot_ontap and go into special boot menu and select option 4.


Forgot to mention that when at the loader prompt run printenv and if "root-uses-shared-disks?" is not listed then run "setenv root-uses-shared-disks? false".

Then do a "seveenv" to save the setting. This needs to be done before "disk encrypt sanitize -all" is run in maintenance mode.



Quting my reply from here: https://community.netapp.com/t5/Data-ONTAP-Discussions/Disk-unpartition-failed/td-p/126892/page/2

I guess this could work in your case, too, but i have to admit i don't know anything about the disk encryption part.



The bug is fixed in 9.1P2, which was released just days ago.

-> https://mysupport.netapp.com/NOW/download/software/ontap/9.1P2/



edit: I've just successfully removed ADP from some disks in order to move them to another cluster.

Workflow was something like this:

  • "system node migrate-root" to spare disks (they need to be zeroed or will be zeroed - takes some time)
  • "system node run -node xxx -command disk unpartition xx.xx.xx"
  • "disk zerospares"
  • "disk removeowner xx.xx.xx"

