ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Following the document - SVM Root Volume Protection Express Guide you can create SVM root volume load-sharing mirrors.
What is the proper procedure for removing these load-sharing mirrors?
Solved! See The Solution
This was very difficult for me to figure out as well. After much troubleshooting I finally figured out that the following commands work:
snapmirror quiesce -destination-path <cluster_name>://<svm_name>/<load_sharing_volume_01>
snapmirror quiesce -destination-path <cluster_name>://<svm_name>/<load_sharing_volume_02>
snapmirror abort -destination-path <cluster_name>://<svm_name>/<load_sharing_volume_01>
snapmirror abort -destination-path <cluster_name>://<svm_name>/<load_sharing_volume_02>
snapmirror delete -destination-path <cluster_name>://<svm_name>/<load_sharing_volume_01> -force
snapmirror delete -destination-path <cluster_name>://<svm_name>/<load_sharing_volume_02> -force
Hey Andy,
First you need to break the loadsharing relationship to delete the root volume, Try as below....
test_clus::> snapmirror break -destination-path mydrsvm
test_clus::> volume delete -vserver mydrsvm -volume mydrsvm_root
Warning: Are you sure you want to delete volume "mydrsvm_root" in Vserver "mydrsvm" ?
{y|n}: y
[Job 7869] Job succeeded: Successful
Have already tried the break command and it does not work.
When you run the snapmirror break command you get the folowing error:
Error: command failed: snapmirror break is not allowed for destination {Cluster}://{SVM}/{Volume} in a load-sharing relationship
BTW we are running ONTAP 8.3.1
Hi Andy,
Can try to Quiesce and break the SnapMirror.
Quiesce using the following command on the destination cluster: snapmirror quiesce -destination-path <Destination_Path>
Eg:vs2.example.com::> snapmirror quiesce -destination-path vs2.example.com:dept_eng_mirror1
Break using the following command on the destination cluster: snapmirror break -destination-path <Destination_Path>
Eg:vs2.example.com::> snapmirror break -destination-path vs2.example.com:dept_eng_mirror1
Delete the snapmirror relationship by using the following command on the destination cluster: snapmirror delete -destination-path <Destination_Path>
Eg:vs2.example.com::> snapmirror delete -destination-path vs2.example.com:dept_eng_mirror1
To remove source information for the SnapMirror relationship and also delete the base snapshot, use the following command on the source cluster: snapmirror release -destination-path <Destination_Path>
Eg:vs1.example.com::> snapmirror release -destination-path vs2.example.com:dept_eng_mirror1
Run snapmirror show to confirm that the relationship doesn't exist anymore:
cluster2::> snapmirror show
Quiesce command works but the break fails with the same error as before.
This was very difficult for me to figure out as well. After much troubleshooting I finally figured out that the following commands work:
snapmirror quiesce -destination-path <cluster_name>://<svm_name>/<load_sharing_volume_01>
snapmirror quiesce -destination-path <cluster_name>://<svm_name>/<load_sharing_volume_02>
snapmirror abort -destination-path <cluster_name>://<svm_name>/<load_sharing_volume_01>
snapmirror abort -destination-path <cluster_name>://<svm_name>/<load_sharing_volume_02>
snapmirror delete -destination-path <cluster_name>://<svm_name>/<load_sharing_volume_01> -force
snapmirror delete -destination-path <cluster_name>://<svm_name>/<load_sharing_volume_02> -force
This worked 🙂
Thank you very much.
I've discovered that you only need to quiesce one of them as both get quiesced.
I also didn't need to use the -force switch and just got the following message when deleting the mirror relationship.
Warning: Deleting destination volume <cluster_name>://<svm_name>/<load_sharing_volume_01> from the load-sharing relationship prevents it from being added as a destination for any load-sharing relationship.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
Glad that worked! Yeah the force switch is just to prevent the prompt.
Yeah why Netapp didn't document this is anyones guess.
One of many misc documentation gaps unfortunately.
Do you do load-sharing mirrors on SAN-based SVMs? I noticed the documentation indicates that's not needed, but then i wonder what would happen if the root volume had an issue.
I was under the impression that on a SAN only (iSCSI or FC) SVM the root volume is not used.
I thought it was used, but not in the same way. I could be wrong. This is what I'm trying to find out definitively in another thread. Just thought I'd see what your thoughts were. Another documentation gap 😞
in 8.3.2 they made this easyer
clu01::*> snapmirror delete -destination-path clu01://vacum-esxi/esxi_root_ls3 -foreground
Warning: Deleting destination volume clu01://vacum-esxi/esxi_root_ls3 from the load-sharing relationship prevents it from
being added as a destination for any load-sharing relationship.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
[Job 9943] Job succeeded: SnapMirror: done: NOTE: Volume esxi_root_ls3 is in restricted state. Do not bring the volume back online for at least 10 minutes to allow changes to be propagated to the rest of the system.