I had a disk mark as broken in a FAS270 Filer. The OS is Data ONTAP 7.0.4
The disk model is: HUS103014FLF210 (Hitachi 147GB 10000 RPM, sysconfig -v = x274_hpyta146f10, firmware NA03).
The existent spare disk was used automatically to replace the broken disk.
I tried to replace the broken disk with the following disk:
Seagate 147GB 10000RPM,sysconfig -v=x274_10k7146f10, fimware NA01, disk model:ST3146707FC
After the replacement the disk not appeare as a spare disk as is normal.
In aggr status -r I have no spare and the the bay were the broken disk was before is not listed in sysconfig -r command.
At FC adapter level I can see the new introduced disk , its model, firmware etc (sysconfig -a command)
I don't know why the disk wasn't automatically recognize as a spare disk. The new disk has the same capacity and RPM like the old one.
I have in syslog the following messages:
Unable to build FCAl map... resseting device
Unable to communicate with device shelf, disk
In the disk matrix I saw that the actual firmware is N07 for the Seagate disk. Maybe is a a compatibility problem because my disk has only the NA01 firmware,
Can anyone help me to fix this problem?