ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
My filer is FAS2040 and is data ontap 7.3.6
The I use the filer view to create a volume and set snapshot 10%,
and then I create a LUN almost 90% of volume,
and I miss check the [Space Reserved] check box,
one week ago,the volume become offline,
I check the volume sapce and found it have no any available free space,
So I delete the snapshot and stop all the schedule snapshot!
and reduce the snapshot reserve space frome 10% to 5%,
but when I want to set Space Reserved in the LUN,
It can not let me set,
How can I fix this error?
Can I fix the error through the lun size?
Solved! See The Solution
If you have deleted all the snapshots already and there is only 5% free space in volume then see if this works out for you.
Enable deduplication and compression and run it on this volume. See if you get more free space then bring the volume online and move your data to a safer place.
Is it possible for you to resize the volume (increase the size of volume) and then try reserving the space on the LUN?
Hi Arunchak
There is no any free sapce in the aggregate,
So I can't increase the volume size!
If you have free disks then add it to the aggr and then you can resize the volume.
If not then the only option is to try with lun size.
if you have additional spare disk in the spare pool move one disk in to the aggregate and resize the volume because if the volume is offline then only way is to resize and online the volume in some cases even it wont allow you to resize the volume this is what i have faced recently then i have to reboot the filer where i have got some cache space then immediately i have re-sized it and made it online.
Hi every body
The customer don't have any additional spare disk,
just have 5% free space in the volume!
If you have deleted all the snapshots already and there is only 5% free space in volume then see if this works out for you.
Enable deduplication and compression and run it on this volume. See if you get more free space then bring the volume online and move your data to a safer place.
Is your volume online ?? did u tried following above steps ??
Hi Shaik
I try to reduce the snapshot's space from 10% to 5%,
so the volume is online now,
and I don't try the above steps,
because I don't have any free spare disk and free space in aggr and volume!
But I just want to know,
will it happen again ?
Yeah it will happen if you have snapshots scheduled which will grow and occupy space best thing is to have the volume resize else disable snapshot schedule so that it will not have snapshots consuming space.
Also if possible decrease the snap reserve to reclaim some space
Do you any other aggregate on this filer where you could move your volume and then increase the volume size.
If you have another aggregate first copy the volume using command vol copy which is COPY and PASTE to another aggregate and then destroy the old volume or just use vol move to CUT and PASTE ( Be careful using vol move as any disturbance while moving may cause data loss ). please refer to the link below for more info on VOL MOVE
To perform a vol copy simply use the below command
Create a new volume of same size in the aggregate in which u have more free space and put the volume in to restrict mode before starting the copy and issue the below command
vol copy start -S Old_Volume New_Volume ( -S copies all snapshots as well )
You can monitor the copy status using the command
snapmirror status