When I do a datamotion, the cutover job indicates success, but both the source and destination filers log a single sync snapmirror event in messages, snapmirror log, and the serial console. In my test case I moved a vfiler with one volume (the vfiler root volume) and there was very little if any I/O to the volume. It appears that during cutover, while snapmirror is running is sync mode, the volume is taken offline, and that produces an error. Here is an example from the destination filer console:
Mon Aug 1 16:07:59 PDT [filer2: snapmirror.sync.fail:notice]: Synchronous SnapMirror from filer1.xxx.yyy.com:grvfiler7_root to filer2:grvfiler7_root failed.
Only one failure is logged for the volume. Is that expected behavior while doing a cutover?
Thanks in advance,