I need to setup /etc/rc file on two 10g ports, and they are LACP configured. However, it is not working, I have two obvious issues here:
First, the interface file12345678NAS-88 could not be created, only took the portion of it "file12345678NAS", and although the IP is assoicated, but the connection is not there, and I could not ping it.
Please take a look at it, and any idea what went wrong? Thanks!
rdfile /etc/rc
#Auto-generated by setup Thu Aug 15 11:05:50 EDT 2013
hostname filer1
ifgrp create lacp file12345678NAS -b ip e5b e1b
vlan create file12345678NAS 88
ifconfig file12345678NAS-88 netmask partner filer2-88 mtusize 1500
ifconfig e0M `hostname`-e0M flowcontrol full netmask partner e0M mtusize 1500
ifconfig e0a `hostname`-e0a mediatype auto flowcontrol full mtusize 1500
route add default 1
routed on
options dns.domainname citnet.cit.com
options dns.enable on
options nis.enable off