i have a problem with one of our customers. I need to setup some vFilers (7-Mode 8.1.3) and when i run the setup for cifs i always get an error called "Thu Mar 20 09:05:24 CET [atgrfs003@atgrfs001:cifs.ldap.processingFail:error]: LDAP: Could not create Active Directory account for the filer. Error 10: Referral received" I already moved the host system (atgrfs001) to the same domain without a problem but I'm unable to get the vfilers in. I'll already tried to create the computer account in AD manually, but this doesn't help ether.
I checked the DNS, Time Services and so on and i also tried to join a different Domain, and this worked so i suggest that the problem is within the specified domain, but why i was able to join the Physical Filer without a problem?
Does anyone have a hint or any idea or maybe even better a soultion? 😉
Thanks for your support