Simulator Discussions

Netapp Simulator 7.3 installed on Linux machine(Physical), How do I get the filer view?


Hello Friends,


Netapp sim 7.3 installed on my laptop, which is of Linux OS... How Do I get the Filer view in this case ?


And I have created couple of windows VM's. But there I was unable to get the Filer View.., Since the netapp host IP address is not pingable in VM..


Let me know, if you have any more questions...




You will need to make sure that you have network access to the controller from where ever you are wanting to run FilerView.  Once you have that you only need to open a browswer and type in the following:  http://<ip of controller>/na_admin and you should be FilerView to work.   

I would recommend that instead of FilerView that you go to the site and down System Manager.  This will allow you to discover any controller that is on your network, you put in a subnet of your network and the tool will go search using SNMP to find the controllers on that portion of your network.  System Manager like FilerView has to have network connectivity to the controllers to access them.

If you are using the Simulator in a VM then you will need to make sure that the VM has network connectivity to your other VM's, this you will have to do to the VM before you start it up.  Create a virtual switch and make sure all of the VM's are talking to that switch with the correct IP addresses.

Hope this helps.
