Hi All,
I have the OnTap Simulator v8.1.4 7-Mode running on my VMWare Workstaion Pro. I have the netapp simulator configured correcly from an "OnTap" perspective for the regular setup values, network IP, subnet, gateway, dns, etc.
I'm confused on what my settings should be for the VM Network adapters ad whether I should be using Bridged or Host-Only; and on what adapters for these.
In My Virtual Network editor I have the following (by default):
VMnet0 - Bridged (Auto-Bridging) with no Host connection, DHCP or subnet Address
VMnet1 - Host-Only - with no external connection shown, Host connection shows Connected no DHCP, shows a Subnet Address
VMnet3 - NAT, NAT, Connected, DHCP Enabled, shpows a Subnet address
In my Sim VM settings:
Network Adapter #...
1 Host-Only
2 Host-Only
I can ping myelf (Sim VM)
I cannot ping anay other IP's outside of the SIM (nor by name).
I'm greatful for any assistance as this is out of my VM knowledge realm even though I'm very verse in OnTap.
Thanks in advance,