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disk assign & disk show command not working in Simulator
08:12 AM
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I am a newbie in Netapp , I was trying to run disk assign command & disk show command over the filer Simulator console (simulator version 7.0) .When i run these commands , i get below outputs
netapp> disk assign
disk: Did not recognize option "assign".
usage: disk <options>
Options are:
netapp> disk show
disk: Did not recognize option "show".
usage: disk <options>
Options are:
Please let me know why these commands not running , can it be because this simulator version doesn't support it ?
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Does 'sysconfig –v' report any disks configured?
What does the command 'version' report?
If it is version 7.0 the commands may not be supported.
The earliest SIM on the software downloads page appears to be
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Sysconfig -v show hardware configration & version command show DOT version detail.
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yess Craig , it is of version 7.3.x & sysconfig -v is also working fine . sysconfig -r is also showing disks assigned . how to proceed further ?
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you have to run complete command like: disk assign + disk id no
disk assign 0a.1
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Hi Manish
thanks for the reply however , still command is not working . disk v4.17below is the output
netapp> disk assign v4.17
disk: Did not recognize option "assign".
usage: disk <options>
Options are:
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Disks can be automatically or manually assigned. Can you check the auto assign option and do you get the correct options if you just enter the '>disk' command ?
sim> options disk.auto_assign
disk.auto_assign on
sim> disk ?
usage: disk <options>
Options are:
assign {<disk_name> | all | [-T <storage type> | -shelf <shelf name>] [-n <count>] | auto} [-p <pool>] [-o <ownername>] [-s <sysid>] [-c block|zoned] [-f] - assign a disk to a filer or all unowned disks by specifying "all" or <count> number of unowned disks
CDOT uses the 'storage disk assign' command:
- Display all unowned disks by entering the following command: storage disk show -container-type unassigned
- Assign each disk by entering the following command: storage disk assign -disk disk_name -owner owner_name
Perhaps you can try that or consider downloading the SIM again!
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Yeahh , i did try the following commands & below are the outputs
1. I checked the disk.autoassign option , which was ON
netapp> options disk.auto assign
Setting invalid option disk.auto failed.
disk.auto_assign on
2.I tried to switch off the option as oer below command
netapp> options disk.auto_assign off
netapp> options disk.auto_assign
disk.auto_assign off
3.then I entered disk ? & below is the output
netapp> disk ?
usage: disk <options>
Options are:
fail [-i] [-f] <disk_name> - fail a file system disk
remove [-w] <disk_name> - remove a spare disk
swap - prepare (quiet) bus for swap
unswap - undo disk swap and resume service
scrub { start | stop } - start or stop disk scrubbing
replace {start [-f] [-m] <disk_name> <spare_disk_name>} | {stop <disk_name>} - replace a file system disk with a spare disk or stop replacing
simpull <disk_name1> [<disk_name2> [<disk_name3> ... ]] - simulate one or more disk pulls
simpush [<sim_disk_path_name1> [<sim_disk_path_name2> [<sim_disk_path_name3> ...]] | -l] - simulate one or more disk pushes or list available disks to push
zero spares - Zero all spare disks
checksum {<disk_name> | all} [-c block | zoned]
sanitize { start | abort | status | release } - sanitize one or more disks
maint { start | abort | status | list} - run maintenance tests on one or more disks
I also tried storage disk assign
storage disk assign
storage: unrecognized command "disk"
usage: storage <subcommand>
subcommands are:
alias [ <alias> { <electrical_name> | <wwn> } ]
disable adapter <name>
download shelf {channel | shelf} download shelf -R to revert firmware to the version shipped with the current Data ONTAP version
download acp [<adapter_name>.<shelf_id>.<module_number>] download acp -R to revert firmware to the version shipped with the current Data ONTAP version
enable adapter <name>
help <sub_command>
rename switch <oldname> <newname>
release { mc | tape } <name>
show adapter [ -a ] [ <name> ]
show disk [ -a | -x | -p | -T ] [ <name> ]
show expander [ -a ] [ <expander-name> ]
show fabric
show fault [ -a ] [ -v ] [ <shelf-name> ]
show hub [ -a ] [ -e ] [ <hub-name> ]
show initiators [-a]
show mc [ <name> ]
show port [ <name> ]
show shelf [ -a ] [ <shelf-name> ]
show switch [ <name> ]
show tape [ <name> ]
show tape supported [ -v ]
show acp [ -a ]
stats tape <name>
stats tape zero <name>
unalias { <alias> | -a | -m | -t }
power_cycle shelf -h
power_cycle shelf start [-f] -c <channel_name> [-s <shelf_id>]
power_cycle shelf completed
I cannot find the "assign command" here , please let me know what else should i try to get this option working ?
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I have no filer to test here at the moment, but my gut feeling tells me that you might want to try a
filer> priv set advanced
first to get access to some of these commands. I'm pretty sure disk was one of the advanced ones, but cannot verify it right now.
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I tried switching to advanced mode , i can find below options
netapp*> disk
usage: disk <options>
Options are:
fail [-i] [-f] <disk_name> - fail a file system disk
remove [-w] <disk_name> - remove a spare disk
swap - prepare (quiet) bus for swap
unswap - undo disk swap and resume service
scrub { start | stop } - start or stop disk scrubbing
unfail [-s] <disk_name> - unfail a disk (-s not valid in maintenance mode)
power_cycle [ -f ] { [-d <disk_list>] | [ -c <channel_name> [ -s <shelf_number> ] ] } - power-cycle one or more disks
replace {start [-f] [-m] <disk_name> <spare_disk_name>} | {stop <disk_name>} - replace a file system disk with a spare disk or stop replacing
upgrade_ownership - upgrade disks to new ownership scheme
simpull <disk_name1> [<disk_name2> [<disk_name3> ... ]] - simulate one or more disk pulls
simpush [<sim_disk_path_name1> [<sim_disk_path_name2> [<sim_disk_path_name3> ...]] | -l] - simulate one or more disk pushes or list available disks to push
zero spares - Zero all spare disks
checksum {<disk_name> | all} [-c block | zoned]
sanitize { start | abort | status | release } - sanitize one or more disks
maint { start | abort | status | list} - run maintenance tests on one or more disks
I have highlighted the upgrade ownership command here , can it be used (in anyway) as disk assign command >
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The simulator uses hardware-based disk ownership by default. The "disk assign" and "disk show" commands are available only if the system is using software-based disk ownership.
You can change to software-based ownership by booting the system in maintenance mode and entering the command "disk upgrade_ownership" then halting and rebooting the system. If you have an active/active configuration you do both nodes at the same time. This is documented in the "Data ONTAP 7.3 Storage Management Guide." This can be found online at: https://library.netapp.com/ecmdocs/ECMM1278323/html/smg/provisioning/task/t_oc_prov_disk-own-change-hw-sw.html.
Once the system(s) are using software-based disk ownership the "disk show" and "disk assign" commands will be available.
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You are trying to use disk assign in simulator which is not possible. When you add disks,t hey directly get assigned to control and no disk is goes in unowned state. In netapp simulator disk assign comand is not supported.
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These options are not available is a single node configuration.
I am a newbie in Netapp , I was trying to run disk assign command & disk show command over the filer Simulator console (simulator version 7.0) .When i run these commands , i get below outputs
netapp> disk assign
disk: Did not recognize option "assign".
usage: disk <options>
Options are:
netapp> disk show
disk: Did not recognize option "show".
usage: disk <options>
Options are:
Please let me know why these commands not running , can it be because this simulator version doesn't support it ?