For anyone else that runs into this problem. The way I solved it is by using version 1.20 (sdk 5.1) and "snapmirror-get-destination-iter". It's kind of unfortunate I can't call "snapmirror-get-destination" as that requires a known destination and the main point of my query is to ask the source what mirrors it has. The java code looks something like this:
NaServer netappServer("my_vserver");
netappServer.setAdminUser("my_user", "my_password");
NaElement request, response;
NaElement destInfo = new NaElement("snapmirror-destination-info");
destInfo.addNewChild("source-volume", volumePath);
NaElement query = new NaElement("query");
request = new NaElement("snapmirror-get-destination-iter");
response = netappServer.invokeElem(request);
if (response.getChildByName("attributes-list") != null) {
List<NaElement> vaultElementList = response.getChildByName("attributes-list").getChildren();
for (NaElement element : vaultElementList) {
String snapVaultPath = element.getChildContent("destination-volume");
String snapVaultArray = element.getChildContent("destination-vserver");
vaultList.put(snapVaultArray, snapVaultPath);
System.out.println("cluster vault array is "+snapVaultArray+", path is "+snapVaultPath);