Hi Andrew
Thank you for your respond.
Yes, I have studied that sample code and the documentation as well but can not make use of it.
The sample code is about cmdlet for powershell. I don't want to use powershell nor cmdlet.
And the API documentation only describes the functions but not how to use them.
Here is an example of my code:
NaFiler filer = new NaFiler("ipadress");
filer.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("admin", "password");
SystemApiList apiList = new SystemApiList();
SystemApiListResult apiListResult = apiList.Invoke(filer);
NetApp.ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult();
SystemApiGetElements apiElements = new SystemApiGetElements();
apiElements.ApiList = new string[] { "aggr-get-iter" };
SystemApiGetElementsResult apiElementsResult = apiElements.Invoke(filer);
SystemGetVersion getVersion = new SystemGetVersion();
SystemGetVersionResult versionResult = getVersion.Invoke(filer);
In the SystemGetVersionResult I do get a version. But in the SystemApiGetElementsResult I only receive property descriptions but no content.