Software Development Kit (SDK) and API Discussions
Software Development Kit (SDK) and API Discussions
filestats command is available in CLI (an example below):
[root]# rsh myfiler filestats volume myvolume snapshot mysnapshot
VOL=myvolume SNAPSHOT=mysnapshot
INODES=983031 COUNTED_INODES=39845 TOTAL_BYTES=8725924057 TOTAL_KB=8586296
I am trying to run the same command using system-cli API. The API runs fine, no error is reported, but, I can't see any output in "cli-output".
use NaServer;
use NaElement;
use Data::Dumper;
my $filer = "myfiler";
my $volume = "myvolume";
my $snapshot = "mysnapshot";
my $user = "<user>";
my $passwd = "<passwd>";
my $api = NaServer->new( $filer, 1, 4 );
$api->set_admin_user($user, $passwd);
my $cmd = new NaElement('system-cli');
my $cmd_args = new NaElement('args');
my @arg_arr = ('filestats', 'volume', $volume, 'snapshot', $snapshot);
foreach my $arg (@arg_arr)
$cmd_args->child_add(new NaElement('arg', $arg));
my $result = $api->invoke_elem($cmd);
print "Result ". Dumper($result) . "\n";
if ($result->results_errno != 0)
my $reason = $out->results_reason();
print "Invoke Failed: $reason\n";
my $output = $result->child_get_string("cli-output");
print "Output: " . Dumper($output) . "\n";
When I run this script, I see:
% perl
Result $VAR1 = bless( {
'content' => '',
'name' => 'results',
'children' => [
bless( {
'content' => '',
'name' => 'cli-output',
'children' => [],
'attrvals' => [],
'attrkeys' => []
}, 'NaElement' ),
bless( {
'content' => '1',
'name' => 'cli-result-value',
'children' => [],
'attrvals' => [],
'attrkeys' => []
}, 'NaElement' )
'attrvals' => [
'attrkeys' => [
}, 'NaElement' );
Output: $VAR1 = '';
So, there is no error, but, no output either. Am I invoking the API in a wrong way? How to get the output of filestats command through system-cli call?
Hi Haritha -
I don't know what version of ONTAP you're running, but this sounds like burt 400086 which was fixed in ONTAP 8.0.2.
Also, a good debugging technique would be to do: print $cmd->sprintf() . "\n"; to verify the element input.
- Rick -
Thanks Rick. I am running ONTAP 7.3.4P4 version.
Thanks for the "sprintf" tip. It confirmed that the input is correct:
Debug Command input :
If any of you have access to ONTAP 8.0.2 or later versions, can you try running similar command and confirm that it works in 8.0.2+? Based on this information, I will have to recommend upgrade to the required ONTAP version as well as suggest a workaround for earlier versions.
I am also seeing this problem for system-cli for ndmpd commands in various 7.3.x releases. Does anyone have a list of which commands are not funcional via system-cli, and if this has been fixed for the general case so that all cli commands for which there is no spcific API call can be issued via system-cli.
I'd like to write a full coverage API for 7-Mode using the HTTPS connector, to do so I need to know what the target release for full coverage should be.