Software Development Kit (SDK) and API Discussions
Software Development Kit (SDK) and API Discussions
I want to create one user. Do you know if this SDK can help and how ?
You can utilize PowerShell for this easy enough. Assuming clustered Data ONTAP you'll use:
Create a new user account associated with the specified application and authentication method.
New-NcUser [-UserName] <String> -Vserver <String[]> -Application <String[]> [-AuthMethod <String>] -Role <String> [-Password <String>] [-Comment <String>]
[-Controller <NcController[]>] [-ZapiRetryCount <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
New-NcUser -Vserver <String[]> -Application <String[]> [-AuthMethod <String>] -Role <String> [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-Comment <String>] [-Controller
<NcController[]>] [-ZapiRetryCount <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
i am using linux as the adminhost. do you have a python language script for this?
I have not used the NetApp Manageability SDK extentesively but I just ran through the documentation and did not see anything in regards to creating new users. However, someone else may be able to point us in the right direction.
One alternative I can suggest is a Python script that I put together that automates the process of SSH'ing into a controller and entering a set of commands. You can find the relevant code on the DatacenterDudes GitHub repo. I purposely left the code generic as possible so you'll have to tweak it a bit for your sepcific use case. If you do decide to go this route and run into problems I'm more than willing to help add the relvant functionality to the code.
This looks like a good start....
[Family: cluster]
Create a new user account associated the specified application and authentication method.
That's from the cmode API docs...
I havnet found the documentation to be too useful but maybe I'm looking in the wrong spot. Can you provide a link to the document youre looking at?
That is from the API docs that are in the SDK download. There are two files in there that I use as reference:
Even though they are under the 'perldoc' area they are just HTML files with the API calls and data types. Since they are under the perldoc area they're all represented at Perl calls, so for example the perl function nfs_exportfs_list_rules_2 just translates to the nfs-exportfs-list-rules-2 API call (sub - for _ etc..).
Hope that helps.
A lot more detailed than what I was focused on (SDK_Help.html). I just didnt dig deep enough. Thanks!