i searched in the documentation of netapp-manageability-sdk and i couldn't find a ndmpcopy command.
On the powershell toolkit we have it:
PS C:\Users\c5103331> Get-Help ndmp
Name Category Synopsis
---- -------- --------
Disable-NaNdmp Cmdlet Disable NDMP request-handling by the daemon.
Disable-NcNdmp Cmdlet Disable the NDMP service on the given node.
Enable-NaNdmp Cmdlet Enable NDMP request-handling by the daemon.
Enable-NcNdmp Cmdlet Enable the NDMP service on the given node.
Get-NaNdmpCopy Cmdlet Get the status of a running NDMP copy operation.
Invoke-NaNdmpCopy Cmdlet Copy content between controllers using NDMP.
Start-NaNdmpCopy Cmdlet Copy content between controllers using NDMP.
Stop-NaNdmpCopy Cmdlet Stop a running NDMP copy operation.
So maybe i didn't found it. My customer is using the heavily the perl sdk.
Can you tell me if ndmp is implemented?
Best wishes,