Retrieving system (not volume) performance counters from several systems, both simulator and physical filers, returns constanty 0 for all *_ops counters (total_ops, nfs_ops, ...). And no, the filer is not sleeping since the cpu_busy counter shows activity: system: 1.6% cpu_busy
Following some counter values from a 7-mode simulator as returned from a Nagios Plugin but this is 1:1 the raw-value as returned by the ZAPI:
Node: sim812
Instance: system ()
avg_processor_busy = 1278335574
cifs_ops = 0
cpu_busy = 1312762327
cpu_elapsed_time = 86263515535
cpu_elapsed_time1 = 86263515535
cpu_elapsed_time2 = 86263515535
disk_data_read = 348712
disk_data_written = 6334248
fcp_ops = 0
http_ops = 0
instance_name = system
instance_uuid =
iscsi_ops = 0
net_data_recv = 4654
net_data_sent = 20611
nfs_ops = 0
node_name =
ontap_version = NetApp Release 8.1.2 7-Mode: Tue Oct 30 19:56:51 PDT 2012
serial_no = 4055372-81-5
total_ops = 0
total_processor_busy = 2556671148
Any idea? I this by design?
Kind regards, Ingo