VMware Solutions Discussions
VMware Solutions Discussions
I have connected a server over the HBA through the switch to a netapp filer. I presented the lun, it sees 3 volumes of "basic disk" all it allows me to do is change it to dynamic disk. No other options available.
I loaded the VCS plugin, and it does not see the disk. I can see it in the disk manager, but thats all. I just want to be able to mount them up as local off the fibre.
Anyone have any ideas?
I am also looking for the netapp system manager software, seems there are loads of links to tell me all about it, but no place to download it. I am new at this office, and would like to install it on my desktop.
Any input would be helpfull.
I take it you're not using snapdrive. Is this windows 2008? If so, you'll need to change the SAN Policy with Diskpart.
it is server 08, and no, we are not using snapdrive. The netapp guys said I needed to use the multipath io software, either from Netapp or Microsoft. The netapp one needs to be purchased, the microsoft one is free, management is rolling around with that for now.
If this is going in the wrong direction, let me know.
What is diskpart? utility?
I am not a windows guy, I live in the linux world, so this is kinda foreign water to me.
Diskpart is a utility in Windows 2008. Starting in Windows 2008, the default disk policy is SAN Offline. THis is meant to protect shared disks from becoming corrupted. The downside is that SAN presented disks are offline by default. To change the policy:
1. Open a command prompt with administrative priviledge.
2. Type Diskpart.
3. At the prompt, type SAN Policy=OnlineAll and hit enter
4. type exit and hit enter
5. close the command prompt window
Now go into disk management and try.
If a partition already exists, then you need to give it a drive letter or a mount point. In no partition exists, you will need to crate one and format the disk first. From your comment, it sounds like a partition already exists.
Yes it does,
If I tell it to initialize it will not do anything to the data correct? It will just ask me to give it a drive name?
I sent you an email you can respond to that too,
If you initialize the disk, you are in effect partitioning it. That's a destructive process for any data that already resides on the disk. Are you sure a partition already exists?
In disk management, you should have an option to "Import foreign disk" if it already has a partition on it.
Oh yes,
It is partitioned, and alive, the ESX servers can see the shares on this lun just fine.
If I do import, that wont kill the data right?
Import foreign disk won't kill the data.
Im in disk manager
there is no option to import foreign disk,
It is partitioned, and has plenty of data on it, visible to other machines in the SAN.
When a disk is presented to multiple hosts, access to the disk by a given host is controlled through a SCSI Reserve, Who owns the reserve? You may want to open a case with NGS to troubleshoot.
I opened a ticket in support after this thread, the tech told me I needed to install the multipath io software, Im waiting to hear back as to when I can do that.
Unless y ou see this needing to go another direction. anything will help.
I just loaded the MS DSM package , its wanting to reboot (this is what I was told I needed to do from support) Its asking for a reboot, I NEED to know, what will this do, will it do anything to the disk itself, meaning, alter, change erase the data tweak the partitions etc. I just need this to get on and SEE the volumes alive and kicking over the SAN.