We are in the process of aligning our VMs on our NFS datastores - I read with interest the Netapp doc
outlining the performance impact from the Netapp point of view - but I did not see the impact quantified.
Since the process of alignment currently requires the VM to be down (integrate with storage vMotion please?!)
I decided to try and design a test from the VM's point of view of the impact of aligned vs not-aligned.
The setup (I did this on an otherwise quiesced lab system (Dell 1950 x 2 cluster running vSphere + Netapp 2020 (NFS Datastores)):
1) Take a misaligned Linux VM (as checked by mbrscan)
2) clone the VM
3) align the clone with mbralign
Now we have two linux VMs M(isaligned) and (A)ligned
I wanted a way to generate IO of varying sizes - I used this script:
[fcocquyt@lab-vm-01 ~]$ more generateIO.csh
set x=1
set bs=1024
while ( $bs < 9000 )
echo $bs
while ( $x < 20 )
dd if=/dev/zero of=tstfile$x bs=$bs count=10240
sum tstfile$x
@ x++
rm tstfile*
@ bs+=1024
set x = 1
What I found from repeated runs of this script on both M and A vms was the Misaligned VM took an average of 18% longer to run the same IO.
I also captured /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vscsiStats - but interestingly those numbers (latency and outStandingIOs for example) did not show the same result (it showed about the same average latency for M & A vms...
I welcome any and all comments on this analysis
One area: block size - I have a suspicion the blocksize has a big effect on the latency - while the script was stepping through the blocksizes I observed the throughput varying quite a bit.
But the finding of 18% impact is in line with my expectation for NFS datastores...