VMware Solutions Discussions

Problem with Autosupport


Hello, guys.
In our company we have a NetApp FAS 6040 release 8.0RC3 7-Mode.
More recently, there was a problem with configuring autosupport. When you try to change settings, turn off, turn on - nothing happens and mistakes occur:

netapp02> options autosupport      
autosupport.cifs.verbose     off       
option autosupport.content: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.content          unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)
option autosupport.doit: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.doit             unknown   
option autosupport.enable: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.enable           unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)
option autosupport.from: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.from             unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)
option autosupport.local.nht_data.enable: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.local.nht_data.enable unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)
option autosupport.local.performance_data.enable: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.local.performance_data.enable unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)
option autosupport.mailhost: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.mailhost         unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)
option autosupport.minimal.subject.id: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.minimal.subject.id unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)
option autosupport.enable: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
option autosupport.nht_data.enable: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.nht_data.enable  unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)
option autosupport.enable: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
option autosupport.noteto: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.noteto           unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)
option autosupport.from: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
option autosupport.partner.to: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.partner.to       unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)
option autosupport.support.proxy: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
option autosupport.performance_data.doit: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.performance_data.doit unknown   
option autosupport.support.transport: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
option autosupport.performance_data.enable: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.performance_data.enable unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)
option autosupport.retry.count: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.retry.count      unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)
option autosupport.retry.interval: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.retry.interval   unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)
option autosupport.support.enable: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.support.enable   unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)
option autosupport.support.proxy: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.support.proxy    unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)
option autosupport.support.to: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.support.to       unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)
option autosupport.support.transport: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.support.transport unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)
option autosupport.support.url: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.support.url      unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)
option autosupport.throttle: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.throttle         unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)
option autosupport.to: can not be read, connection problem (code=0xffffffff)
autosupport.to               unknown    (value might be overwritten in takeover)

All  this only happens on one controller, but a second controller is  operating normally allows you to change settings autosupport as it  should.
Does anyone can offer ideas?



Hi ucellcoscom

Please post messages from  /etc/messages

If you don't know how read messages  --->  rdfile /etc/messages  or  \\name_filer\etc$\



Thank you for your reply.
Here is the file over the past few days.


Hello ucellcoscom

1. Please check next configuration on your filer

autosupport.content [complete | minimal]   - Controls the content in AutoSupport message. Default is complete.
autosupport.doit [message]   - It helps to send AutoSupport message immediately with specified message as subject.It can be used to validate the AutoSupport configuration.
autosupport.sender [ from ]   -Defines the specified user as sender
autosupport.mailhost [host1,..,host5]  -Defines mail host names
autosupport.minimal.subject.id [hostname|systemid]  -Defines the system identification in message title
autosupport.support.transport [http | https | smtp ]   -Defines the AutoSupport message delivery method
autosupport.support.to  - Indicates where AutoSupport notifications to NetApp are sent if autosupport.support.transport is smtp. This is a read-only option.

2.Check to see if the file spool area (located in /etc/log/autosupport on a filer, /logs/autosupport on a NetCache) is full, or if the acls/permissions on the file spool area or the autosupport messages subdirectory (the autosupport message directories have .files as an extension), are blocking access. If the spool area is full, you are free to delete any subdirectories that do not have associated transmission flag files (files with .smtp or .post extensions.)

For additional information please see http://www.wafl.co.uk/autosupport/



Thank you for your reply.

Under item 1 - see the first post. Commands do not work.

Under item 2:

Filesystem               total       used         avail        capacity  Mounted on
/vol/vol0/               264GB       11GB      253GB       4%          /vol/vol0/

Permission to vol0 nobody changed.

By the way, I found that some commands are also not working. For example:

netapp02> options timed.servers
Could not delete timed servers
Could not set timed server

What could this mean?


Hello ucellcoscom

Please delete all files and folder /etc/log/autosupport



Hello ucellcoscom

Please check smtp server settings.On smtp server must be open smtp relay for IP addresses filers.



Did you ever find the fix for this? I'm experiencing the exact same issue and support isn't being too helpful.


It was a stupid problem. I am very ashamed, but Default Gateway was entered incorrectly.


Default Gateway settings was wrong.


Hi there, I also saw this problem when the losk interface IP address was changed from to in order to get VMware Site Recovery Manager working ! I've raised a call with IBM support (I'm using an Nseries) because if I fix the VMware SRM problem, autosupport and timed options break ! Incidentally, my default route is fine.


Hi Neil,

I too have had to amend the losk interface IP on our NetApp filers to enable SRM.  As you would expect I am now getting issues with autosupport and timed options.  Did you ever get a response/resolution to your support ticket?




HI Pete,

yes I got an answer to my problem, it was down to the way we had registered the filers within SRM. The full answer can be found via the following post: http://communities.netapp.com/message/50685#50685

If for some reason you can't get to it, let me know and I'll cut and paste the contents into this post.

I was pretty pleased with the result, basically you don't have to change the losk interface so autosupport doesn't get broken, you just have to add information about the NFS interface when configuring SRM (even if you aren't using it !!).

Let me know how you get on.

All the best, Neil.


Hi Neil,

Many thanks...I had seen your other post but obviously misread it   All sorted now although the filer has developed the original problem in this post, gateway is correct so hopefully a reboot will fix it.

Once again many thanks for all your help.




All - We had the same issue, 

FAS3240 cluster


miafile0X*> Mon Aug  814:09:55 EDT [miafile0X: asup.smtp.host:info]: AutoSupport cannot connect tohost 10.10.X.X (Network is unreachable) for message: HA Group Notificationfrom miafile0X (USER_TRIGGERED (20023731)) INFO

Mon Aug  8 14:09:55 EDT[miafile0X: asup.smtp.retry:info]: AutoSupport mail (HA Group Notification frommiafile0X (USER_TRIGGERED (20023731)) INFO) was not sent for host (0). Thesystem will retry later to send the message

After working with NetApp support for 1 month the only cure was a reboot of the filer.

In spite of checking everything over the 4 weeks or so of this issue, a planned failover to the partner, then a reboot, cleared it all up.

There must have been some hidden routing issue.


Another one problem with autosupport .

My filer can't send Autosupport "Weekly_log", but standart autosupport messages (for example: about failed disks or Performance Data) sent normally. It affected on "My Autosupport" on NetApp support Web-site. I can't see properties of my system.

In messages file i see that messages:

Sun May 20 00:12:29 UZT [netapp01: asup.general.file.create.failed:error]: AutoSupport file (/etc/log/autosupport/201205200004.0.files/201205200004.0.ems.gz) was unable to be written to the file spool subdirectory.

Sun May 20 00:12:29 UZT [netapp01: asup.general.file.create.failed:error]: AutoSupport file (/etc/log/autosupport/201205200004.0.files/201205200004.0.ems.gz) was unable to be written to the file spool subdirectory.

Sun May 20 00:12:29 UZT [netapp01: asup.general.file.create.failed:error]: AutoSupport file (/etc/log/autosupport/201205200004.0.files/201205200004.0.rc.gz) was unable to be written to the file spool subdirectory.

Sun May 20 00:12:29 UZT [netapp01: asup.general.file.create.failed:error]: AutoSupport file (/etc/log/autosupport/201205200004.0.files/201205200004.0.rc.gz) was unable to be written to the file spool subdirectory.

Sun May 20 00:12:29 UZT [netapp01: asup.general.file.create.failed:error]: AutoSupport file (/etc/log/autosupport/201205200004.0.files/201205200004.0.exports.gz) was unable to be written to the file spool subdirectory.

Sun May 20 00:12:29 UZT [netapp01: asup.general.file.create.failed:error]: AutoSupport file (/etc/log/autosupport/201205200004.0.files/201205200004.0.exports.gz) was unable to be written to the file spool subdirectory.

Sun May 20 00:12:29 UZT [netapp01: asup.general.file.create.failed:error]: AutoSupport file (/etc/log/autosupport/201205200004.0.files/201205200004.0.hosts.gz) was unable to be written to the file spool subdirectory.

Sun May 20 00:12:29 UZT [netapp01: asup.general.file.create.failed:error]: AutoSupport file (/etc/log/autosupport/201205200004.0.files/201205200004.0.hosts.gz) was unable to be written to the file spool subdirectory.

Sun May 20 00:12:29 UZT [netapp01: asup.general.file.create.failed:error]: AutoSupport file (/etc/log/autosupport/201205200004.0.files/201205200004.0.resolv_conf.gz) was unable to be written to the file spool subdirectory.

Here output of some command from filer.

netapp01> df -k /vol/vol0/

Filesystem               total       used      avail capacity  Mounted on

/vol/vol0/          277848424KB 16997756KB 260850668KB       6%  /vol/vol0/

/vol/vol0/.snapshot 69462104KB  2283416KB 67178688KB       3%  /vol/vol0/.snapshot

netapp01> exportfs

/vol/vol0/home  -sec=sys,rw,nosuid

/vol/vol0       -sec=sys,rw=x.x.x.x,anon=0,nosuid

notes: x.x.x.x - IP address of server from which i can mount vol0 for upload disk firmware e.c.t

netapp01> options autosupport

autosupport.cifs.verbose     off       

autosupport.content          complete   (value might be overwritten in takeover)

autosupport.doit             WEEKLY_LOG

autosupport.enable           on         (value might be overwritten in takeover)

autosupport.from             myfiler@mydomain.x (value might be overwritten in takeover)

autosupport.local.nht_data.enable off        (value might be overwritten in takeover)

autosupport.local.performance_data.enable off        (value might be overwritten in takeover)

autosupport.mailhost         x.x.x.x (value might be overwritten in takeover)

autosupport.minimal.subject.id hostname   (value might be overwritten in takeover)

autosupport.nht_data.enable  on         (value might be overwritten in takeover)

autosupport.noteto           ""         (value might be overwritten in takeover)

autosupport.partner.to       my.mail@mydomain.x (value might be overwritten in takeover)

autosupport.performance_data.doit DONT      

autosupport.performance_data.enable on         (value might be overwritten in takeover)

autosupport.retry.count      15         (value might be overwritten in takeover)

autosupport.retry.interval   4m         (value might be overwritten in takeover)

autosupport.support.enable   on         (value might be overwritten in takeover)

autosupport.support.proxy    off        (value might be overwritten in takeover)

autosupport.support.to       autosupport@netapp.com (value might be overwritten in takeover)

autosupport.support.transport smtp       (value might be overwritten in takeover)

autosupport.support.url      support.netapp.com/asupprod/post/1.0/postAsup (value might be overwritten in takeover)

autosupport.throttle         on         (value might be overwritten in takeover)

autosupport.to               my.mail@mydomain.x (value might be overwritten in takeover)


notes: my.mail@mydomain.x - my corporate e-mail address, x.x.x.x - ip address of our mailhost, myfiler@mydomain.x - address in field "From" in autosupport mail

What is your opinion?


Hello, Andrey! Thank you for helping!

netapp01> qtree status vol0

Volume   Tree     Style Oplocks  Status  

-------- -------- ----- -------- ---------

vol0              unix  enabled  normal 

netapp01> qtree security /vol/vol0

/vol/vol0/ has unix security style and oplocks are enabled.

netapp01> options cifs.ntfs_ignore_unix_security_ops

cifs.ntfs_ignore_unix_security_ops off

If It really needed, I will switch it to ON and i will post here about result  this operation.


This option affects only NTFS security style.

Which version of Data ONTAP are you using?


netapp01> version

NetApp Release 8.0RC3 7-Mode


That’s really old. The bug is marked as fixed in 8.0P release (do not remember exact P number) and current 8.0 version is 8.0.3P1. I would strongly consider updating.
