VMware Solutions Discussions

Tell me detail about igroup


Tell me detail about igroup



You can explore by using the command line help. For example:

controller>igroup help

The following commands are available; for more information
type "igroup help <command>"
add                 destroy             rename              show
bind                help                set                 unbind
create              remove

        igroup help      - List initiator group commands
        igroup add       - Add initiator(s) to a group
        igroup bind      - Bind an igroup to a portset
        igroup create    - Create a new initiator group
        igroup destroy   - Destroy initiator group(s)
        igroup remove    - Remove initiator(s) from a group
        igroup set       - Set attributes on a group
        igroup show      - Display initiator groups
        igroup unbind    - Unbind an igroup from a portset
        igroup rename    - Rename an igroup

controller>igroup create help

igroup create: -f or -i must be specified
igroup create { -f | -i } -t <ostype> [ -a <portset> ]
                <initiator_group> [ <node> ... ]
  - creates a new initiator group

    An initiator group is a typed collection of initiators. The type
    is specified with the -f (FCP) or the -i (iSCSI) options. Nodes
    can optionally be supplied, they will be added to the group.

    FCP nodes are specified as world wide port names (WWPN), written
    as 16 hexadecimal characters with optional (:) characters. They
    may also be specified by their aliases, set with "fcp wwpn-alias".
    iSCSI nodes are written in the dotted-domain fashion.

    The ostype can be either solaris, windows, hpux, aix, linux,
    netware, vmware, openvms, xen and hyper_v. The type applies to all
    initiators within the group, and governs the finer details of SCSI
    protocol interaction with these initiators.

    The -a option allows the newly created initiator group to be bound
    to an already existing portset.
For more information, try 'man na_igroup'

Hope that helps,

