Hi Scott,
Thanks again. I did saw that one and it is a very good explanation of the syntax. However, I am looking more for an example of a setting, example are the excludes. I want to see if the lists of excludes I plan to use is good enough.
This is my list so far:
vscan extensions exclude add vm?,nvram,hlog,aif,aifc,aiff,asc,au,avi,bmp,eps,gif,ief,kar,latex,log,mid,midi,mov,movie,mp2,mp,mp,mpe,mp,mpg,pbm,pcx,pdf,pgm,pnm,ppm,ps,qt,ra,ram,rgb,rm,rof,snd,swf,tex,texi,texinfo,tif,tiff,tsv,wav,xbm,xpm,xwd,csv,sas7data,mdf,ldf,pst,accdb,adp,apr,dbf,egt,fdb,frm,gdb,kexi,kexic,mdb,ldb,mde,myd,myi,ncf,nsf,ntf,odb,pdb,prc,sql,wdb,ost,fdt