VMware Solutions Discussions

iSCSI performance


I'm using a FAS 270c with 4 ESX 3.5 and i have a very big problem of performance.

I have 6 luns and 55 Virtual machine distribuite on the six luns.

The performce between a vm on local esx storage and netapp storage is very different (more more slow on the fas).

I'm using iSCSI initiator and not HW iSCSI.

The switchs are CISCO 3750.

In wich direction can i analize the problem ?



Have a quick look at

sysstat -x

On the filer. Is the cpu, disk or network near max? If not the problem is down the chain.

If the problem is in the san, let me know which counters are high and I will give you the commands to have a closer look at that area.


Head 1

fas270esx*> sysstat -x

CPU NFS CIFS HTTP Total Net kB/s Disk kB/s Tape kB/s Cache Cache CP CP Disk FCP iSCSI FCP kB/s

in out read write read write age hit time ty util in out

69% 0 0 0 1463 2400 22129 21058 3968 0 0 43s 93% 33% Tf 57% 0 1463 0 0

66% 0 0 0 997 3060 17653 20921 4426 0 0 40s 94% 40% F 66% 0 997 0 0

58% 0 0 0 727 2087 17518 21447 4256 0 0 1 95% 34% F 58% 0 727 0 0


Head 2

fas270esx2> sysstat -x

CPU NFS CIFS HTTP Total Net kB/s Disk kB/s Tape kB/s Cache Cache CP CP Disk FCP iSCSI FCP kB/s

in out read write read write age hit time ty util in out

61% 0 0 0 561 6732 1058 15387 12320 0 0 1 97% 60% 3 62% 0 561 0 0

48% 0 0 0 428 3476 519 11727 8952 0 0 1 96% 51% Ff 48% 0 428 0 0

58% 0 0 0 506 6684 744 12801 11397 0 0 1 96% 55% Fn 54% 0 506 0 0

