The SP is completely independant from the user traffic. It's essentially your iLO. I would suggest reboot the SP before you start the upgrade.
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snap list -fs-block-format I would suggest upgrading to 64 bit if you plan on in the future doing tdp mirrors to cdot. Plus 64-bit is wave of future 🙂
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^^ The connection needs API access to the cluster security login show You need to have API access Also, i've seen those really wierd errors once in a while
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i've done 100's of 7-mode upgrades and left it on and have done 100's of upgrades and turned it off. Both will work. but you want to turn it off, snapmirror off when you want to turn snapmirror on
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The article you referenced was 7-mode, not cDOT. Look that command doesn't exist in cdot filer::*> vol options vol1 "volume options" is not supported: use the "volume { show | modify }" command.
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How many drives and what is the raid configuration, you need to understand that. How big is your flash pool? Size and configuration. There are tons of factors
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A couple of things. First, your system is old and need an upgrade Second, you are using -actual, but are still exporting it as is. The way I use -actual is for aliases, not in the way you are third, Map the user to root in usermap.cfg file
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Ok, I'm not trying to be difficult here. Are you trying to remove this one clone_volftest.1 voltest svmtest 3/27/2017 456.0 KB 1.4 MB snapmirror Or not? Run a basic query instead of using $null use "" For example, try this get-ncvol volname | get-ncsnapshot | ? {$_.dependency -ne ""} Can you highlight in bold the one you want to delete that will help me
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Intersting use cases. Can you try to create a filter just for security and add that to the filter on the supression Filter Exempt from Suppression: no-info-debug-events
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Can you do me a favor, and show me the scenario where you remove the clone and have a new clone in a snapshot list. That will help me out
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I personally would have tackled this different. I'm not a fan of using ; in any powershell string if I don't have to. If you know the snapshot can be deleted based on a date, then you should be querying the name and off this date. For example PS C:\powershell> get-ncvol | get-ncsnapshot | ? {$ -like "*hourly*"} | ? {$_.created -lt (get-date).adddays(-80)} | remove-ncsnapshot -confirm:$false I chose hourly in my example, but if you have a specific name pattern in there, put it there, and then where I have -80, just put your date target there.
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I should have added a little more detail. Most shares are with the default settings. How many shares are outside of the following default settings oplocks, browsable, changenotify, show_previous_versions You can just push all these settings back down by doing a get | set If you have different requirements, you can do stuff like $share = (get-nccifsshare -VserverContext vservername -ShareName data$).shareproperties -join "," That's your current properties of the share, Then you can adjust $share each time and re-write it each time. Fairly simple
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This is why we asked these questions. Why are you going to ontap 8.1.4, and not a higher version. If you have cdot, you should be looking to go to 9.1p1 If you have 7-mode you need to go to 8.2.4 - latest P release. Also, all the disk firmware is easy, Just follow the steps from the download site for the disk firmware, I recommend using the package
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Why do you have to do it before you upgrade? Was that in the upgrade advisor Also, what version are you going too. You say you are on cdot 8.1, so I just want to make sure you are going to a good target code
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Domain authencation works from SSH, but not with keys You need to do the following security login show -vserver vservername add the domain group to the cluster vserver with ssh as the application security login create blah Then when you login use this domain\username enter password, you should be good to go
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Ok, let's clear things up again. Are you talking share permissions are NTFS permissions on the directory Also, if you don't have Netapp rights, it looks like you are some sort of windows administrator and could be a built in administrator. Also, Those are the .Net raw cmds, but I find it easier to use a microsoft community supplied module ntfssecurity for ntfs Download, put it into your modules directory, put path in your profile and import That module is amazing and uses alphafs.dll which is a customized dll that was communitiy developed to help with windows permissions. We have all been waiting for native permissioning in powershell for a long time. Also, there are tons of native cmdlets for netapp
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First, let me ask this, what version of ontap, 7-mode or cdot, and are you saying that you aren't using the homedirectory search paths and you are using a 1:1 share ratio. I think it's the latter b/c your home shares start with ~user, but with home-directory search path this is usually a home directory. I can see if I can assist once you reply
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