Fixing alignment issues with MBRALIGN tool, the major concern was that thistool works offline, the VM needs to be down until the scanning/fixing iscompleted. Environment has 350+ VMs in production, 24/7 and can’t afford aprolonged outage. Are there any other 3rd party tools / approach for doing the alignment workonline / major portion of the alignment work online and a minimaldowntime for a final switch over to an aligned copy
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Please try running Filer>exportfs Filer>rdfile /etc/exports Look for any difference in exports in memory and exports defined in the conffile, update /etc/exports with if any and re ran the tool.
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Minor correction to the above post. disk show , "NETAPP" is the vendor signature for the disk, not to be confused with the hostname of filer "netapp". This disk belongs to its partner, you need to run the disk replace command from partner filer. Also make sure 3c.10.21 is the correct spare disk name, you can check the status by sysconfig -r on the partner node.
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Make sure the number of disks that you have in the hosting aggregate (which impacts the volume thougput). At least match the source volume, the more spindles the better.Obviously the new env might be a fatser system which will have some performance benifits any way with CPU/BUS speed etc.
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I might also look into the CPU and disk utilization as well, while considering load distribution. Also need to keep in mind, each system should bebalanced such that in case of a cluster failover, surviving node can take the fullload.
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If this helps In the options snapmirror.access You can include like snapmirror.access "host=filer-a,filer-b AND if=e0a" or if !=e0a I have not tested it myself, but hopefully it works for you.
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You can install NetApp host Untility Kit (HUK, downloadable from NOW site) for solaris. On Solaris 10, you can use cfgadm to scan/discover new LUNs, please refer to man pages. Once the LUN is being detected by OS, sanlun commands (from HUK)from the host utilities can be used to query/display NetApp LUN information. Eg #sanlun lun show -p
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Per my best understanding When you add new drives, create Aggr/RAID groups as per storage best practices. RAID groups are sized such that the total number of disks are balanced among multiple RAID groups under same Aggr. Having more number of disks in Aggr will help in not hitting diskbound boundbottlenecks When new disks are added to the Aggr, ONTAP does not re arrange the blocks immediately,but eventually as updates are happening on the files it will get distributed. Also refer to man page of "reallocate" command
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Hi, One of my customer is in the process of integrating DFM to thier exsiting filer environment. They have 2 aggrs, when tried to provision a NFS share always one of the Aggr is coming with a RED Corss on it (Basically DFM can not use it). Both the Aggrs are having free space and is having provisioned NFS and iSCSI data sets Only difference is the Aggr skipped is the root aggregate,since I do not have much exposure to DFM I am checking with you if that is the case. (ie DFM by default will not use root aggregate for provisioning any new volumes/LUNs ?)
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Hi, I am looking for a ballpark number, how much time it takes to complete mbralin on a VM to fix file system misalignment I know there are many variables like system load /system power etc, but in your experience how much time I can expect for a VM that is allocated 20GB disk space. Also does this time also depend on the used size of the virtual disk. tx
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I am not an expert in this subject but the cache hit is more and disk read replaced seems to be more in first scenario, turning on low pri, filer will have to spent extra CPU cycles to handle the additional blocks. Did you try to take a feedback from end user perspective any difference noticed.
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I would suggest reading TR-3838 available on now site. Also you can search for best practice documenations at (use key word search) Some considerations that would make are Number of spindles in Aggregate (say for example 2 different aggrs with say RAID-DP and 3 disks each is not a good idea;smaller number of disks on Aggr can lead to bottlenecks from disk i/o performace) VMWARE VOLs are typical candidate for dedupe savings so having them on a seperate aggregate is benificial. So depending on onumber of disks I might consider 2 -3 Aggrs in this case. Also you need to ensure that VMDKs are aligned (look for best practice docs acround this subject). Adding disk to aggregate is easy and quick but keep in mind there is no option to remove a disk from Aggr. I would also prefer to have all disks added in Aggrs initially before volumes are created, rather than expanding them later.
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Please refer to Basically if you are trying to address bandwidth issue, you can have multiple target ports, using zoning / port sets on storage to do proper load distribution.
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