Have a look at the article I wrote here, you'll be up in running in no time. If this solves your problem, please mark the question as answered.
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ACP is quite simple and doesn't take any time to setup. I believe there is an ACP requirement going forward not to run, but to perform any sort of firmware updates. As an employee, you should be able to determine this quicker than us.
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You can retrieve your license keys at support.netapp.com. You'll need the filer's serial number. Also, it probably still has to have support on it.
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Best practice is one LUN per volume, but I can't remember why. I've broken this before to take advantage of dedupe which is at the volume level.
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Peter, Direct attached is not ideal, but it should work. Does the links come up? If not, flip your tx/rx on one end. The next question is how is everything cabled? *****Section 1********* For both hosts to see both volumes, you'll need either HP server cabled to both controllers. I'm assuming you have SAS shelf owned by one controller and the SATA by the other, correct? Lets assume that SAS is owned by STOR1A and SATA is owned by STOR1B and is cabled as follows: stor1a:e1a -> server1:eth0 stor1a:e1b -> server2:eth0 stor1b:e1a -> server1:eth1 stor1b:e1b -> server2:eth1 ESX on server 1 would then have access two two data stores on stor1a via and one datastore on stor1b via ESX on server 2 would have access to the same data stores, but the two SAS ones would be via and the SATA one would be via ****Section 2****** Not having a switch isn't ideal, but I'm assuming the problem is budgetary and you're working with what you have. Since you don't have switches, I'd be tempted to drop the single mode ifgrp configuration in favour of setting "cf.takeover.on_network_interface_failure" to "on" and then setting the "nfo" option in the ifconfig command for the e1[a,b] interfaces. That way you're always running on 10gig, if you lose a 10gig interface the HA pair will just fail to the side where both interfaces are still good. The problem with this configuration however is that if you reboot an ESX host, you could induce an unexpected failover. You could prevent this by disabling cf before rebooting ESX hosts. ******** Anyway, let me know if section 1 above is of any help. If you still can't see your volumes, paste the output of the command "exportfs" from both nodes in your reply.
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Looking for some guidance around using Backup Exec to backup both SME and SMSQL snapshots to tape on Clustered Data ONTAP, anyone got any useful links or guides for me?
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I was never actually told that OCI wouldn't work on environments less than 100TB, it was just hinted that it may not be appropriate. What we found however is that the report didn't actually determine bottlenecks in the way that Balance would have. Also, partners are required to leverage the OCI assessment team to get these done. So, original question, is there any alternative out there from NetApp that the partner can deploy?
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Now that OnCommand Balance has been restricted to FAS-only controllers and OnCommand Insight is useless for either NAS or small SAN environments, what is the consensus for the appropriate tool for take-out assessments? I'm looking for feedback from both partners and NetApp employees here. A lot of our SAN take out targets are smaller than 100TB, the line in the SANd (haha) for OCI, so we're looking for an OCBalance replacement basically. Thoughts?
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Thanks! I just found the command "smtape continue" for exactly this purpose in the Commands Reference Manual. To answer your question, we were hoping to use only built-in software and change tapes manually. I originally thought that it wouldn't span due to reading a previous post by you, but now that I've re-read it, it doesn't even apply. Cheers!
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Is it possible to seed a snapmirror via tape of a very large volume, i.e.: one that would require spanning of multiple tapes or is single-tape only supported?
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Just confirmed, the two sets of licenses provided here will be node locked to the initial node and the one you change the sysid to the one ending in -2. Additional nodes can be added but you can't license anything on them but really there's no point anyway.
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Sebastian, Just for fun I will create a third node today for the primary cluster today and see if the keys work, it is exactly this reason I have hesitated as I'm pretty sure they won't work. The reason your SSH session drops is because it is a stateful protocol and once the IP moves, the switch(es) ARP, you're going to get dropped. There's nothing you can do about this Non-technical: Twice now you've used the word "cristeen" which isn't actually a word, I think you meant to type "pristine" perhaps? Either way, "a fresh copy of the vsim" is what is required. I'll go deploy node 3 now and update soon. Oh, also back on the technical side, I'm doing the following on my ESXi 5.1 box: ------------- # cat /etc/rc.local.d/local.sh #!/bin/sh # -- Loading Module multiextent to support NetApp vSIM 8.1.1 -- /sbin/vmkload_mod multiextent ------------- Not sure if this is still required, but it doesn't appear to be hurting. Also, when I do a "vmkload_mod -l", I've got hits under the "Used" column.
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I guess since I figured this out a few days ago I should have posted an update. I was working from a thick-provisioned VMDK provided to me by a colleague at NetApp. When following the PDF more recently instead of just bashing ahead, I had much more success. Proceed as follows: Download the vsim_esx-cm.tgz and transfer it to your datastore. tar -xvzf vsim_esx-cm.tgz Now how many nodes do you want, two? Maybe a third for a replication "cluster"? Make as many copies of the vsim_esx-cm directory, -1 as you want nodes, naming them accordingly. Once done, rename the initial directory (vsim_esx-cm) to whatever the final node is so that you have a uniform naming syntax. Browse your datastore for the first node's directory and import the VMX file. Boot this node to start your cluster. Browse your datastore for the second directory, on the VERY FIRST BOOT enter the loader and change the SYSID stuff listed in the setup guide. Subsequent nodes in the same cluster will all require new SYSIDs but really two nodes in a cluster should be sufficient. On first full boot, i.e.: not having entered the loader, you'll want to hit up the maintenance menu for option 4. I have a third node in a single node cluster that I intend to use as a snapmirror target though I have yet to set that part up, hopefully the fact that it's SYSID will match Node 1 in the 2 node cluster won't matter. If it does, I'll start from scratch, changing the SYSID on first boot.
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The answer RTFM probably would have been well deserved up until I performed those steps and then had a new problem. After changing both of those parameters I ended up with a new issue. I even deployed a new version of the VM that had yet to be booted as per the instructions but ended up with the following: -------------------------------------------------- PANIC: Can't find device with WWN 0x1400322304. Remove '/sim/dev/,disks/reservations' and restart. in SK process vha_disk_resv on release 8.2 (C) on Sun Sep 15 21:12:48 GMT 2013 version: 8.2: Tue May 21 05:58:22 PDT 2013 compile flags: x86_64 recursive PANIC: page_t has no physical address cpuid = 0 Uptime: 38s The operating system has halted. Please press any key to reboot. System halting... cpu_reset called on cpu#0 -------------------------------------------------- Any further advice?
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I should also note that the only error message I get is: Error: Cluster join membership failed. It does this during the Node Check so perhaps it's related to that?
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I am having problems adding a second node to my virtual cluster. The first node started up fine and I ran through the cluster create script. I've got the first two vNICs on a separate vSwitch as they are the cluster interfaces. Here's what happens on booting of the second node:
1: Join or create? join
2: Are these the IPs you want (169.254.*)? yes
3: Enter the name of the cluster: [ClusterName] <enter>
4: Joining cluster …
5: Network set up …
6: Node check …
7: Restarting Cluster Setup …
8: Revert to step #1
When I try to ping the two IPs presented in step 2 from Node 1 I am able, so the networking is setup properly but the second node won't join. Any thoughts on what I'm missing?
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There's a problem with the 64-bit online Java installer and you'll need to download the manual installer here: http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp That's what I did and it worked for me.
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Typically I search for a system in MyAutosupport and then when I've got it in front of me, I click on the Upgrade Advisor link and it knows that I want it for the system I was just looking at. The new version of UA requires that I search for the system again, this information should be populated from the system I was just looking at if I used the link from the page displaying the MyAutosup information.
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I've been working on this a lot on the CIFS side this week, just posted a long answer here, short answer is yes you can back it up to NFS. The CLI command is "dfm options set databaseBackupDir=<path>". It's also in the GUI Setup -> Options -> Database Backup. If it fails because of a error involving "keystore" then make sure you point it at a directory and not at the root of the mount point.
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Any idea on the syntax for using a network share that isn't mapped to the Windows DFM host? I'm trying to use "\\filername\volume" without the quotes and DFM keeps telling me that it doesn't exist.
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